
in Cigar 101
I know its been posted before,
but iv had some tunneling problems on my last two smokes
what can the smoker do to cause tunneling>?
I have the "home base" part of the unit sitting by my computer predicting the weather very well for me and the "remote unit" in my humi trasmitiing its status,
Honey well makes great stuff!
Tunneling ??? It was June 5th 1943 , a moonlit night, behind enemy lines and with French Resistance fighters in the South of France , with nothing but a ........holy crap ....sorry wrong forum !!!
Whewwwww ...that was close ...thanks Joe ...you don't want this cigar back do ya ...I'm just sayin' ...
For instance:
My cigars lately have been burning quite perfectly and I've enjoyed some of the best cigars in quite some time, but that's because my house has been cool enough I don't have to turn on my wine firdge and warm enough that the Heat hasn't kicked in at all... So for 30 days my cigars have been at the same temp and Rh the WHOLE TIME!
Well now that my heat has been running the air is drier and my fridge got down to 62% Rh, not bad but I thought I'd throw in some more water on my 2lb. of beads.
Well I'll be jiggered that my Man O' War Ruination last night didn't taste fanatstic, but it seemed that I had to WORK to get the wrapper to stay with the filler while burning, it was kinda tunneling . All this and my Rh is only at 67%!
I think this has happened not because of TOO much humidity, but that the humidity has changed and now the outside is at 67% and inside at 63% for the cigar hasn't RE-Rested enough to make it one consistent Rh (no matter what it is!)
Just my little Bill Nye the Science Guy for ya!