Two shades of gray
I've had this question a long time but I can't remember to ask anyone about it. And, I don't remember this being discussed here before. I've searched through old threads but, could find nothing on the subject.
What's up with the color line of the ash on many of my cigars? The first quarter inch or half inch of the ash is darker / yellowish / brownish and then after that it becomes very bright. Is it because the foot has had more exposure to air? That would be my guess but the change is very defined. Or maybe it's from my lighter when I'm toasting for a long period of time? I use an Alec Bradley "Burner". It's kind of a soft flame but has a wide flame output area.
What's up with the color line of the ash on many of my cigars? The first quarter inch or half inch of the ash is darker / yellowish / brownish and then after that it becomes very bright. Is it because the foot has had more exposure to air? That would be my guess but the change is very defined. Or maybe it's from my lighter when I'm toasting for a long period of time? I use an Alec Bradley "Burner". It's kind of a soft flame but has a wide flame output area.
