got a wine cooler to use has wineAdor but...

in Cigar 101
hey guys i used to live in the states and i had no problems keeping my coolerdors working fine, i moved to sydney, australia where the weather is always hot and im not able to keep the temp in my coolerdors low enough..its always reading above 76 degree's, so i bought a wine cooler that unfortunately for me does not have a digital read out of how cool/warm i want it set its just a turn dial..the problem i am having is the cooler it is set the lower the humidity is dropping..i have 65% heartfelt beads and i can eaither get the temp down between 60-70 but the humidity drops to 45-50% or the temp goes about 75 degrees and the humidity gets around 60%
Edit: Using the calculator on Heartfelt's website it indicates you should have 28 ounces of beads for your amount of area to humidify. ......
The dry beads will pull moisture out of the air when the RH is too high and they'll release moisture back into the air when necessary. My humis stay within a percent or two of where they're supposed to be. It's my position that ya can't argue with success.
And, BTW, is your wine cooler a thermoelectric unit? I just got finished repairing one and may be able to pass along some info on yours - assuming its a thermoelectric one...
Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!
Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!
At this point I'll have to veer off. I have no experience with compressor-driven units. I can tell you that, as long as you can keep it at around 70 degrees or less you shouldn't have any problem with beetles. They're pretty much dormant below 70. And my guess is that at 70/65% there shouldn't be a lot of condensation unless your ambient humidity is normally quite high and the wineador is opened and closed frequently. But that's a guess, remember.
Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!
Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!
hopefully OP can return it and exchange for a different, thermoelectric, model.....
if it's a compressor i'd say OP is almost better off unplugging the dang thing and just using it like a "coolidor" for his cigars.
or keep it plugged in and use it for wine/beverages and not cigars
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
That's why I sent an email - but only after googling the unit and checking various other suppliers who weren't any more helpful...... ??