
in Cigar 101
I would like to hear anyone's input on what would be the best plastic container to keep my cigars in. I have bought a couple of airtight containers but they are too small or the seal isn't good enough. Maybe the cigar community can give me some options or names of some airtight containers that would work and that is not too big or too small. THANKS TO THE CIGAR COMMUNITY.
Usually the one's designed for food storage will have good seals and "snap/locks-in" the whole way around.
Similar to these.
Not sure how big you want but a lot of the folks use large plastic coolers. Coleman/Igloo/etc. any brand will do, as long as the lid closes and forms a good seal.
Tons of space inside those that will allow you to store whole boxes
Keep an eye out the supermarket's/big-box home improvement stores usually have decent sales on coolers around Memorial Day.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
The other thing I like about these boxes is that the sides are fairly flat, and the corners tight so that trays will stack well and not waste too much space.
I just got a nice 2.75" x 6" x 40" chunk of spanish cedar today, purchased on ebay, that I'm going to turn into 8 trays which measure 2.5" x 8" x 12", four trays per box that'll leave room for cigar boxes in the other half. Should be a fun day playing with the table saw and clamps tomorrow! $44 for the wood, and a few hours of fun... not a bad cost for 8 trays, assuming I still have all my fingers at the end of the day. ;-)
Post a thread w/ some pics? Would love to follow along.
In some other forums they want us to break out the threads, good to know!