Here's my $.02 regarding gay people - I have nothing against them. We have a gay person in our family and we understand that person and that being gay wasn't a choice.
But I think gay people cause a lot of their own grief. Think about it - when was the last time you saw or heard of a bunch of straight people holding a protest or doing a parade chanting "We're straight - don't hate. Get used to it" and dressing and acting in ridiculously outrageous ways? I'm not suggesting they stay in the closet if they don't want to but if they didn't go to such extremes to call attention to themselves people would hardly notice them. I mean, who cares who they're sleeping with? As long as they're not infringing on my life why would I give a rat's ass? Live and let live....
But some of them insist on that ridiculous behavior that serves no useful purpose as far as I can see other than to alienate themselves. And I think that therein lies a good share of their problem.....
That's the point of the class! All cigars are not the same - nor do all cigars of the same brand in the same box taste the same. Why do we expect all people to be the same or think alike or walk alike or to be sexually attracted to the same thing. Life is beautiful when you are comfortable enough in your own skin to enjoy time with all others - even better when you can do it over cigars!
All cigars are cigars, except the ones who want to live out their life as pipe tobacco and also demand that the rest of us play along with their notion of reality and teach our children that strange cigars pretending to be pipe tobacco is normal and not to be made fun of? Is that what you were going for when you compared people's gender identity to cigars?
It is funny that they have to DEMAND anything. In my world and America, my God tells me everyone is worthy of respect. I offer it to everyone - they don't need to demand it from me. But I'm comfortable in my own skin, and had intellectual conversations and humorous conversations with people of all races, ethnicities and sexual persuasions. I'm married with three kids and 1 grandkid and can hang out with whites, blacks, Hispanics, straights, gays, lesbian, or transgenders. What I cannot hang out with are unintelligent homophobic condescending Americans with better than thou attitudes that think the old America is better than the now and future America. That is more or less what I was trying to say...
hope you don't think of me as one of the unintelligent,
homophobic, condescending, Americans you're referring to. I'll assume
you're just generalizing in broader terms because hey, I think of
myself as a nice guy too. I align myself with the same values you
claim. I believe everybody deserves tolerance and for their rights to
be respected and to be treated kindly.
absolutely a generalization. Sincere apologies if it didn't come across that way. I don't believe anything is gained when debates become personal attacks. Again, I'm sorry if that came off directed at any one individual.
That's the point of the class! All cigars are not the same - nor do all cigars of the same brand in the same box taste the same. Why do we expect all people to be the same or think alike or walk alike or to be sexually attracted to the same thing. Life is beautiful when you are comfortable enough in your own skin to enjoy time with all others - even better when you can do it over cigars!
All cigars are cigars, except the ones who want to live out their life as pipe tobacco and also demand that the rest of us play along with their notion of reality and teach our children that strange cigars pretending to be pipe tobacco is normal and not to be made fun of? Is that what you were going for when you compared people's gender identity to cigars?
It is funny that they have to DEMAND anything. In my world and America, my God tells me everyone is worthy of respect. I offer it to everyone - they don't need to demand it from me. But I'm comfortable in my own skin, and had intellectual conversations and humorous conversations with people of all races, ethnicities and sexual persuasions. I'm married with three kids and 1 grandkid and can hang out with whites, blacks, Hispanics, straights, gays, lesbian, or transgenders. What I cannot hang out with are unintelligent homophobic condescending Americans with better than thou attitudes that think the old America is better than the now and future America. That is more or less what I was trying to say...
hope you don't think of me as one of the unintelligent,
homophobic, condescending, Americans you're referring to. I'll assume
you're just generalizing in broader terms because hey, I think of
myself as a nice guy too. I align myself with the same values you
claim. I believe everybody deserves tolerance and for their rights to
be respected and to be treated kindly.
absolutely a generalization. Sincere apologies if it didn't come across that way. I don't believe anything is gained when debates become personal attacks. Again, I'm sorry if that came off directed at any one individual.
Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't offended,........... much. LOL I was 99% sure you were not speaking directly at me but I couldn't resist asking. LOL
hope you don't think of me as one of the unintelligent,
homophobic, condescending, Americans you're referring to. I'll assume
you're just generalizing in broader terms because hey, I think of
myself as a nice guy too. I align myself with the same values you
claim. I believe everybody deserves tolerance and for their rights to
be respected and to be treated kindly.
TOW! TOW! TOW! Just kiddin'. Bob is one of the nicest and most respectful guys here. Plus he has an excellent taste in cigars.
hope you don't think of me as one of the unintelligent,
homophobic, condescending, Americans you're referring to. I'll assume
you're just generalizing in broader terms because hey, I think of
myself as a nice guy too. I align myself with the same values you
claim. I believe everybody deserves tolerance and for their rights to
be respected and to be treated kindly.
TOW! TOW! TOW! Just kiddin'. Bob is one of the nicest and most respectful guys here. Plus he has an excellent taste in cigars.
I never saw Newsroom but was sent this clip on facebook. The 5 minute clip had a profound affect on my approach to day-to-day interactions with my neighbors and fellow Americans no matter their opinions and beliefs because I believe at some level we all want America to be the greatest country in the world
If the forum doesn't make the above address a hyperlink please take the time to copy and paste in your browser and let me know what you thinks. I'm willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work! Try copying and pasting this in your browser -
Every year in America kids are beaten, bullied, harrased, and pushed to suicide, I'm not sure how I feel about it in schools other than to say if it helps save someone or forces horrible parents to maybe teach acceptance and tolerance then i feel i have to support it. No offense to any who are offended
The times are different and things change to reflect the climate. Just because I never heard of it as a kid doesn't mean it wasn't going on in the 60's etc. Toleration of others is the key, doesn't mean you need to agree but voicing negative opinions doesn't help anyone.
Hahahaha honestly this is one of the small issues the republicans will suffer for...if you can't adjust to new times then well that's up to you but the world keeps changing!!
Hahahaha honestly this is one of the small issues the republicans will suffer for...if you can't adjust to new times then well that's up to you but the world keeps changing!!
I am tired of this notion of labeling people as "real Americans" and "not real Americans" based on political affiliations and locations. I watched Huckabee, Palin, and numerous other politicians make this claim. If you live on the coasts you are not a real American, if you go to college your not a real American, if you don't live in middle America and work with your hands your not a real American. It's divisive rhetoric, and I am sick of people claim that you are not patriotic if you don't hold the same ideas and values as middle America. That redneck video kinda irked me, sorry for the rant.
@penn I came into this conversation way late, but what I think you're getting at is femininity and masculinity and how it doesn't have to do with what sex or sexuality your are. I don't know about it necessarily being a disorder. it seems that people are too quick to label individuality as a disorder nowadays. regardless, am I close?
@penn I came into this conversation way late, but what I think you're getting at is femininity and masculinity and how it doesn't have to do with what sex or sexuality your are. I don't know about it necessarily being a disorder. it seems that people are too quick to label individuality as a disorder nowadays. regardless, am I close?
Kind of, the lines are being blurred by edict and curriculum. I never even meant for "gay or transgender" to be part of the topic.
@penn I came into this conversation way late, but what I think you're getting at is femininity and masculinity and how it doesn't have to do with what sex or sexuality your are. I don't know about it necessarily being a disorder. it seems that people are too quick to label individuality as a disorder nowadays. regardless, am I close?
Kind of, the lines are being blurred by edict and curriculum. I never even meant for "gay or transgender" to be part of the topic.
Oh? I thought everybody else was getting farther from the original subject but turns out I was too. I assumed that transgender was the core subject. I'll go back and re-read the OP.
I'm not a "regular guy"? I'm a cis-man? Not sure how I feel about that. And, what if I wanna feel safer in the ladies room too? It's safer in there. I wanna be safe.
Being a "regular guy" is based on gender stereotypes. Cis is a natural born, straight male. Why would you want to use that bathroom? Do you feel uncomfortable using the bathroom in front of other men?
Being a "regular guy" is based on gender stereotypes. Cis is a natural born, straight male. Why would you want to use that bathroom? Do you feel uncomfortable using the bathroom in front of other men?
Judas priest give it a rest....your never going to get the point of this thread
I'm not a "regular guy"? I'm a cis-man? Not sure how I feel about that. And, what if I wanna feel safer in the ladies room too? It's safer in there. I wanna be safe.
How many of you had to look up cis-man. It is the point of the thread, you can no longer be just a man.You are going to be in a sub category.
Being a "regular guy" is based on gender stereotypes. Cis is a natural born, straight male. Why would you want to use that bathroom? Do you feel uncomfortable using the bathroom in front of other men?
But I think gay people cause a lot of their own grief. Think about it - when was the last time you saw or heard of a bunch of straight people holding a protest or doing a parade chanting "We're straight - don't hate. Get used to it" and dressing and acting in ridiculously outrageous ways? I'm not suggesting they stay in the closet if they don't want to but if they didn't go to such extremes to call attention to themselves people would hardly notice them. I mean, who cares who they're sleeping with? As long as they're not infringing on my life why would I give a rat's ass? Live and let live....
But some of them insist on that ridiculous behavior that serves no useful purpose as far as I can see other than to alienate themselves. And I think that therein lies a good share of their problem.....
absolutely a generalization. Sincere apologies if it didn't come across that way. I don't believe anything is gained when debates become personal attacks. Again, I'm sorry if that came off directed at any one individual.
I never saw Newsroom but was sent this clip on facebook. The 5 minute clip had a profound affect on my approach to day-to-day interactions with my neighbors and fellow Americans no matter their opinions and beliefs because I believe at some level we all want America to be the greatest country in the world
If the forum doesn't make the above address a hyperlink please take the time to copy and paste in your browser and let me know what you thinks. I'm willing to roll up my sleeves and get to work! Try copying and pasting this in your browser -
And where is that I'm "Just a stupid Redneck", don't remember where I saw it. It is also right om point.
Found it
@Bigshizza They were around. I'm a country boy from Ohio and we called them cross-dressers!
Boys are boys, girls are girls and if they chose to be something else more power to them.
2015 Gang War - East Coast
Enola Gay - Target #29
You almost got it..
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *