Who smokes inside?

I would say 99% of the time I do not, but as I write this I am sitting at my desk inside an office. The experience is fantastic. As the smoke comes off the foot and exhaled it hovers around and envelopes my upper torso. There is no breeze and I can take it all in, enjoying the aroma. Also as I set the cigar down after pulling a nice draw I notice a small amount of smoke coming out of the cut end. It looks like fog resting on my desk for just a fleeting moment. Its really is amazing. So who of you get to relax inside and enjoy your cigar? Oh and I am not talking about at a B&M where there is generally much activity surrounding you, but by yourself allowing you to really concentrate on the experience. Oh and no I am not supposed to be doing this but what the hay, its independence day.
-- Winston Churchill
-- Winston Churchill
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Ya gotta love a man that multitasks. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll give it a try.
I walked in to the office this morning and there is no evidence of smell from a cigar. I did spray some concentrate deodorizer before I left Saturday. I am actually surprised. Huh. Not that I would make it a habit smoking here but it's nice to know that every once in a while I can.
I also have an upstairs bedroom that is now my smoking loft. A large window on one side and the door into the walk-in attic on the other side is all I need, if the weather is dry and not too cold. It's nice to be able to unwind with a movie or a ball game with a cigar. In the winter it's still doable, but barely. I have an exhaust fan that removes most of the smoke, and a ozone/negative ion generator that removes most of the stink, but the problem is sucking heat out with the smoke so it gets cool.
"I've got a great cigar collection - it's actually not a collection, because that would imply I wasn't going to smoke ever last one of 'em." - Ron White
I've smoked in the livingroom with wood floors and leather furniture and the smoke smell disappears noticeably quicker than a carpeted room, even with the window open.
I just try and open a window and use a candle and that works ok. I should get a fan to pull the smoke out. It definitely has a smell the day after.
As for herfing, let's try to get a date when Mike Tuccelli can join us as well as Blutattoo and others in that region. I'm fairly flexible..... BTW, I understand Hays is planning to visit the US in November. It'd be good to see him, as well ......
Dark roast. What can I say we in CA know what's up!