Looking for suggestions

in Pipes
I finished my Eirn Go Braugh... it was ok. lol But I think im more of a fruity/creamy pipe tobacco kind of guy. The less cherry flavor the better. Any suggestions for a couple good heavy fruity/creamy tobacco blends?
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
the bulls eye flakes or coins or disk can be rubbed out like you normally see and loaded in normal fashion, broken into strips and loaded into tall bowls like flowers in a vase, or folded over and stuffed. there really isnt a wrong way, but i would say method depends more on your smoking technique, and your tolerance to bite. Virginias being virginias... they will bite me being so sugary so i use the strips in a tall bowl method the most, fold and stuff second and rubbed out last. same goes in order of types of bowls, Tall stack chimenys, then dublins, then regular 3/4" plus round bowls.