I was bamboozled by Jim and the Charlie company!

So I know I'm not on here enough but leave it to my good friend Jim to remind me of that by coordinating a strike on me for my birthday! As most of you know, my practice is exploding right now at a pace that I am struggling to keep up with, but I am VERY GRATEFUL for. I take one week vacation a year for my birthday bc it is too hard to catch up if I take more. So while on vacation, many of you wished me happy birthday, in one way or another and thank you for that. Jim texted me and asked when I was returning from vacation. I should have know something was up..... When I walked in the office, I was destroyed by 3 very potent yet thoughtful packages. It seems Jim had Charlie forward some winnings from a contest, cbuck absolutely destroyed me with a Bday gift, and as all you know, Jim once again, went way above and beyond for my birthday. Guys thank you so very much. There is so much new stuff here that I havent tried. And Jim, I had to open the box, those things are so delicious looking!!!! Clover and Tracie will love the jam and cookies and I'm gonna tear up those sour worms as soon as I'm done typing! Below are some pics from my vacation as well as the tremendous smack down that I received at the hands of these three gentlemen! (Now lets see if I can figure out the dang pics on this thing)
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"
"I'm at the point in my life where if it doesn't taste good,I'm not putting it in my mouth"