Can't you smell that smell

Colleen and I went to a wedding yesterday and pulling into the driveway yesterday I was greeted by an amazing aroma. Going to brew some of this up in a few moments to get me ready to greet my in-laws. Thank you very much Peter, my wife is a very happy woman. Going to light up the camacho later too. Thank you again.

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
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-- Winston Churchill
isnt this a title of a 70's song?
-- Winston Churchill
Now as far as the song goes, we need to ask Patrick what he was thinking when he posted it. Was it a coincidence or intentional? The title of the song is "That Smell". There is a line within the song that matches the title of this thread. To me, the song, although it rocks, is kinda morbid.
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