What in the hell?

So the French are attacking ISIS head on with intel that the US provided? Why didn't we do anything with that info? We are now the long standing joke that the French once were. Pathetic.
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Fools and tools rule.
Why is there no outrage in our country over the innocent people we kill? Are we not as guilty of indiscriminate killing as those we call enemies? Are you proud that your tax dollars support these efforts?
Let's not sit back and pretend we are doing nothing and continue to blame the President as usual(really that shtick is getting old). Let's also not sit back and pretend what we are doing is correct and without consequence.
Why is our country spending inordinate amounts of money on unsuccessful campaigns that only cause death and destruction and solve nothing? Violence only leads to more violence.
You should be mad at your President. I am too, but clearly for different reasons. We cannot as a nation allow our collective outrage to cloud our vision of what the "right" things to do is.
"Ignorant zeal is worthless; haste makes waste."
-- Winston Churchill
459 is not a high number. Do tell, what is a high number? We flip our collective **** over 120+ in Paris? Eh, screw it. That's not very many people. No big deal.
Playing to his voters? Isn't that what he was elected for? I sure as hell vote for the person who will do the things I want them to.
Note also, none of your reasons for the President being a "tool" were being discussed in this thread.
Republicans have majority in both the House and Senate, but you know, everything in this country is the President's fault.
Really, try to have a discussion without the vitriol and adolescent finger pointing and name calling. It really isn't that difficult.
I welcome any thoughtful discussion you are willing to have.
-- Winston Churchill
What's not working?
The blame game, among other things.
What else?
I don't think the mass migration of refugees into the west is working, especially if these people want to bring their customs with them. If they want to immigrate, they need to assimilate.
All the airstrikes are of no use if no one is holding the ground. It's just more fuel on the fire. More reasons to blame us for the problems they created for themselves.
What might work?
I don't know. A major cultural shift on their part would work. Unfortunately, ISIS is the major cultural shift that is taking place.
We need a cultural shift of our own. We need to stop thinking that these problems will go away if we replace the kind of leaders that middle-easterners understand and respond to with the kind of leaders we expect here in the civilized world. Those folks don't respond to civil efforts. That's their fault, not Bush's or Obama's or Reagan's or Clinton's, or Putin's, although he probably understands them better than we do.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
-- Winston Churchill
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I tend to consider myself pretty knowledgeable and realistic about the middle east and all the players, and It was a really eye opening article that completely changed how i think we should handle them.
very interesting:
I agree with most of your points.
Northern African and Middle Eastern immigrants have been met with xenophobia in parts of Europe for years now; specifically France and UK, both of which have been attacked by jihadists in recent years. I doubt our xenophobia will be met with a different response.
10000 refugees is a drop in the bucket compared to our total population(322 mil+). We already have one (net) international immigrant coming to the US every 14 seconds. 10000 is only a little over a day and a half worth. Yes they should be thoroughly vetted before being allowed to enter the country. These governors refusing refugees in their states are imbeciles and fear-mongers and don't have the manpower or money to keep people from crossing their state lines.
Assimilate to what? How do you define "American"? Should we too attempt to assimilate to the American ideal? I bet you could find about as much in common between someone from downtown L.A. and someone from the deep woods of Maine as you could between a Syrian refugee and a cattle rancher from west Texas. My point being there is no one idea of what it is to be an American and that's a good thing.
-- Winston Churchill
I didn't mention Bush, but since you did, in comparison all 12 of his vetos came in the last 2.5 years of his second term.
-- Winston Churchill
Fellas feel the botl luv. Let's stress over what we can control and cuss what we cant. I'm grabbing a glass of bourbon, praying for our troups, and firing up a Espinosa courtesy of Shizzmeister
-- Winston Churchill
As Nick said, I don't usually get involved in politics here on the forum. Now I know why.
Several governors have now rejected refugees in their states, saying their number one concern is the safety of the residents of their states. Why is this so hard to understand? There is no effective way to vet these people. Whoever insists on this should open up their home. We can start with the White House.
There are far too many homeless citizens here already, including veterans. We should focus on that problem first, before bringing in tens of thousands of people with no way to check their backgrounds.
Since there is no decent way to vet them, I say leave them where they are. And I agree, that as long as there are homeless veterans, take care of them.
But then, all the White House has to do is send the 10,000 Syrians a ticket to Mexico, and they can make it into the US through the sieve-like border.
I also don't buy the left's argument criticizing those against the idea by saying, "Hey, your parents were let in, so you're being two-faced." Those were different times.