Toasting a Cigar?

in Cigar 101
I am a newbie on the forums but been smoking for 2 years now and came across "toasting"
Why do you toast a cigar before you light it and how do you do it?
Why do you toast a cigar before you light it and how do you do it?
How do make this text turn upside down?
Toasting is a slow lighting method--when I started out, I had the same question, and YouTube has some very helpful tips. Check em out!
Peter is right on here. The science behind this is similar to the reason we could over charcoal not fresh wood (generally speaking): in the charcoal burns more uniformly. When you toast the foot and lighter light the cigar you get a much more even burn to start. Then of the cigar is rolled properly the good burn should remain assuming you are smokibe properly
All kidding aside, I'm sure it definitely plays into the taste/burn of the cigar, not to mention the experience--one that should not be rushed, but enjoyed leisurely. That being said, I always find myself too impatient hah! Although boy, I bet one cigar would eat up half your fuel in a nice torch lighter. I always seem to scorch the foot of mine...whoops...
I've used matches, lighters and light sticks...I haven't noticed a difference really.
-That one guy