@Glock1975gave me a gorgeous Opus X with some age on it at the Chicago herf. I believe I'll light that sucker up, and follow it with another Opus X that @Bigshizzasent me. Now all I have to do is crack that bottle of Eagles Rare to pair 'em with.
Hmmm, this is a good question, I'm glad someone asked. I need to think about this, my brother-in-law will be here and he recently got into cigars, however, he doesn't quite have the respect for a good cigar yet. Need to put some thought into this one!! Maybe I'll have to hit the B&M for something special but not too special!
@Edna20; check out the Bolivar Heritage, if you haven't yet... the ones with the wide red band. Foundry took over Bolivar, and the Heritage are very tasty - something a new smoker would enjoy - and only ~$76/box of 20. Brad and I have both put our stamp of approval on them.
Christmas Eve was my first cigar since early September. Been waaaay too busy but I did enjoy a delicious Por Larranaga Montecarlo. New Year's will be yet another chance, YAY! I'll probably grab something small and right to the point as it will be kinda chilly, maybe a Party Short.
I got a sinus thingy going on so I'm hoping it passes. My sinuses are on fire.
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
I wanted to find a thread to wish all you maniacs a very happy New Year. This'll work.
Though I started smoking cigars on the golf course in 2014, 2015 is the year I became an enthusiast. I've enjoyed the ~!@# out of it and all of you loyal posters have aided this transition with solid information and excellent recommendations.
As for a New Year's smoke, I have a My Father that's had its feet up in my humi for a while now. I'm thinkin' that could get the call.
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
Haven't made up my mind yet. It'll probably be either a nice ISOM (maybe a JDM Epicure #2) or an Opus X Rare 1992 that I got from brother RCY for Christmas.... (Thanks again, Rick)
Just finishin a viaje holiday blend from @Trident thnx brother...has a few years on it..not sure if I have time for another..but likely squeeze one in.
Happy New Years to all. Unfortunately I am unable to partake tonight. I have been on a trip all week that all tobacco products and alcohol or not allowed. I will be home tomorrow tonight so will catch up then!
My favorite cigar list here
I have a Cohiba Red Dot that has almost 5 years on it.... at least I think I still have it in my humi...........
Note to self - dig through humidor and find that Cohiba
-- Winston Churchill
Hope you kick it soon
Though I started smoking cigars on the golf course in 2014, 2015 is the year I became an enthusiast. I've enjoyed the ~!@# out of it and all of you loyal posters have aided this transition with solid information and excellent recommendations.
As for a New Year's smoke, I have a My Father that's had its feet up in my humi for a while now. I'm thinkin' that could get the call.
Happy New Year, all.
Happy new year everyone!
-- Winston Churchill