The Excellent Cup

After all the discussion regarding The Excellent Cup here on the form, I decided to order some. I love coffee and I'm always looking for something new. Peter did an excellent job and this Guatemala coffee is probably the best I've had and of course he threw in a few extra's with my order. Thanks again Peter you do make excellent coffee @peter4jc

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
— Abraham Lincoln2
I bought that same one a few weeks ago. Absolutely delicious!
If you have not already, do yourself a favor and buy this (Peter recommended it for me):
You will be able to taste all those little nuances in the coffee. It really does make a difference. Little more work to brew it but I have cut down the time it takes to make it, to around 6 minutes in the morning now.
If you don't mind grinding your beans manually, Hario has a good ceramic burr hand grinder, the Hario Mill Slim Grinder. Nothing like the smell of good coffee being ground.
But I do like a good coffee stout. I'm weird.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
I did order a small pack of Bali Blue Moon FTO and am excited to try it.
Hario Slim Mill
Bonavita Bona Voyage Travel Kettle
Another Kettle option is the Useful UH-TP147 Electric Collapsible Travel Kettle but it will eventually wear down due to the stress of collapsing and expanding. But, for 25 bucks, it's rated good and should last a decent amount of time.
-- Winston Churchill
Coffee roasting started as a hobby over 15 years ago. When I gave some beans to a few buddies for an unbiased opinion they asked if I'd roast some for them to buy. The rest, as they say, is history. So it's still a hobby that covers half of what I need to live on in my semi-retirement/self-employed lazy-ass lifestyle. I have a commercial roaster in my basement that lets me help make a few dozen customers' coffee world a more beautiful place... I'd be honored to do so for any of the brothers/sisters here!
OK What is that coffee maker and where do I get one!?!?!?!
It's called a siphon or vacuum coffee maker. Amazon has quite a few different brands and sizes available. The one I have is the Yama 3 cup. I swapped out the alcohol burner with a butane burner. The butane burner is the same as a table top cigar lighter so you can use it for double duty. Makes a good cup. The cafes in Japan turned me onto the siphon makers. The Japanese know how to make a good cup. Hell, they even has the monopoly on Blue Mountain coffee beans. They take 80% of the Blue Mountain crop. The rest of the world vies for the other 20%. Random coffee facts for the win.
Kellan, have you tried that setup with a Cory rod?
Also, I've found that I get better results if I add the coffee once the water has moved north so that the water is at a good temp once the coffee goes in. Thoughts?