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The Excellent Cup



  • KeiranKeiran Posts: 22 ✭✭
    peter4jc said:
    I use a Yama 5cup stovetop model... not nearly as nice a presentation, say for an after dinner eye-candy cup of coffee, but I don't have the patience for the burner.

    Kellan, have you tried that setup with a Cory rod?

    Also, I've found that I get better results if I add the coffee once the water has moved north so that the water is at a good temp once the coffee goes in.  Thoughts?

    I can certainly understand that. Using an alcohol burner for some time was very much a game of patience. I even resorted to pre-boiling water in an electric kettle. Going to butane cut the time greatly and allows for some nice temp control. Definitely a fan of the butane burner.

    I have not tried a Cory rod. I did replace the cloth filter with a stainless mess filter though so it has a similar ease of cleanup and no older coffee smell/oils left once rinsed. Using a Cory rod would certainly be interesting.

    For the water temp, interestingly enough, the letting the water rise before putting in grounds is a western thing while having the grounds in the top before the water rises but before you seal it is an eastern thing. As you are supposed to wait until the water is at a boil before sealing the top, I feel there is little merit in saying one method is better than the other. The initial layer of water will lower in temperature with either method as grounds meet water. So, I've stuck with the Japanese way as it was how I was shown and taught. I have tried both ways with the same batch of beans with negligible difference. So, to each their own style. More than one way to do a pour over as it were.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    peter4jc said:
    I use a Yama 5cup stovetop model... not nearly as nice a presentation, say for an after dinner eye-candy cup of coffee, but I don't have the patience for the burner.

    Kellan, have you tried that setup with a Cory rod?

    Also, I've found that I get better results if I add the coffee once the water has moved north so that the water is at a good temp once the coffee goes in.  Thoughts?
    Aw, you guys are messing with my neatly-ordered world here. I was content in the knowledge that I have the perfect method for producing a cuppa and then you come along with something like this.  :p

    so, Peter, as my coffee guru, what are your thoughts regarding which of these methods produces the better coffee?  I'm intrigued by the notion that I could make more than one cup at a time as I'm currently limited to with my Clever. 

    Input, please??   B)
  • silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 21,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I use the Bodum French press I bought in 1968, replacement parts are still available. Just this year I bought a Bodum system thermal cup; it is amazing in its ability to hold the temperature for literally hours, highly recommended if you like a travel cup.
  • GuitardedGuitarded Posts: 4,718 ✭✭✭✭✭
    peter4jc said:
    I use a Yama 5cup stovetop model... not nearly as nice a presentation, say for an after dinner eye-candy cup of coffee, but I don't have the patience for the burner.

    Kellan, have you tried that setup with a Cory rod?

    Also, I've found that I get better results if I add the coffee once the water has moved north so that the water is at a good temp once the coffee goes in.  Thoughts?

    Great info gentleman. Thank You.

    After some research, I don't think I could make coffee with an apparatus that has that many parts and an open flame, before I have actually had some caffeine!

    I think Peters stove top model will work better for me.

    Friends don't let good friends smoke cheap cigars.
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And while we're on the subject of coffee-making methods, Could someone point out to me the negative points of brewing freshly ground premium coffee using an electric drip coffeemaker?  I'd just like to explore the issue a bit. 

    Compared to, say, a siphon or vacuum pot, what do we really have?  With the drip maker, when the water is heated enough to be forced up and out over the basket of grounds I would think that the water temp would be in the correct range for brewing. And the drain hole is actually a metering device similar to the one in a Clever which is governing the steeping time, more or less. So how different is this from a siphon?  Is one method going to produce significantly better coffee than the other - all things being equal?

    Bear in mind, please, that my poor ol' taste buds aren't nearly refined enough to detect minute differences. My purpose in raising this question is simply to learn and to play 'devil's advocate' regarding this topic. I currently use a Clever Dripper but, among the other ways I have on hand with which I could make coffee, I have an electric drip maker. If the difference isnt going to be hugely noticeable, I'd rather not go buy a siphon pot. 

    Thanks for any and all input....  B)
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @jlmartaMarty, the vast majority of electric drip makers don't get the water hot enough to extract properly, either through poor design or because the manufacturer wants to avoid law suits when idiots get burned.  I actually think a vac-pot/siphon is the best way to brew coffee... but for a lazy guy like me, their cleanup is more than I want on a daily basis, so I stick w/ a press pot.  The vac-pot with a Cory rod is a bit more finicky regarding the grind, so you need a good grinder and you need to dial it in, in order that it doesn't stall (the brewed coffee can't go back into the bottom vessel because fines clog up the filter).

    @keiran Kellan, I think you're onto something, letting the water come up to temp before placing the top section on.
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    peter4jc said:
    @jlmartaMarty, the vast majority of electric drip makers don't get the water hot enough to extract properly, either through poor design or because the manufacturer wants to avoid law suits when idiots get burned.  I actually think a vac-pot/siphon is the best way to brew coffee... but for a lazy guy like me, their cleanup is more than I want on a daily basis, so I stick w/ a press pot.  The vac-pot with a Cory rod is a bit more finicky regarding the grind, so you need a good grinder and you need to dial it in, in order that it doesn't stall (the brewed coffee can't go back into the bottom vessel because fines clog up the filter).

    @keiran Kellan, I think you're onto something, letting the water come up to temp before placing the top section on.
    Ah, excellent. That's what I wanted to know. So, based on that info and on my particular needs/wants I guess I'll just stick to my Clever. Thanks, Peter, my lad, youze iz a good kid....  B)
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hip, hip, hooray for the HueHue

    and a few more for the tenango, too

    Dat's pretty good coffee, Peter. I gotta brew it a little stronger than the others but it sho do be good....  B)
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,600 ✭✭✭✭✭
    peter4jc said:
    @jlmartaMarty, the vast majority of electric drip makers don't get the water hot enough to extract properly, either through poor design or because the manufacturer wants to avoid law suits when idiots get burned.  I actually think a vac-pot/siphon is the best way to brew coffee... but for a lazy guy like me, their cleanup is more than I want on a daily basis, so I stick w/ a press pot.  The vac-pot with a Cory rod is a bit more finicky regarding the grind, so you need a good grinder and you need to dial it in, in order that it doesn't stall (the brewed coffee can't go back into the bottom vessel because fines clog up the filter).

    @keiran Kellan, I think you're onto something, letting the water come up to temp before placing the top section on.
    +1, there are a few electric drip machines that are good performers, Bonavita, Technivorm, Behmor Brazen, etc. but they're usually a but more money.  These makers usually brew hot enough (or have programmable temperature control) and have a good showerhead that evenly wets the coffee bed for an even extraction and also have features like soaking the coffee with part of the water first and waiting for it to "bloom" (which lets the dissolved CO2 get released to make the coffee extract better and prevent overflowing the basket in the case of fresh coffee) before continuing with the brew.

    I like the taste of my stovetop Yama 8 cup vac pot / siphon brewer best with a glass filter rod, but like Peter the cleanup is a bit much for everyday use so I brew with a Behmor Brazen drip maker for pots and a pour-over cone for one or two cups.  The vac pots / siphons tend to produce coffee that comes out of the maker much hotter than other methods and good coffee often benefits from cooling down a bit to open up the flavors and the sweetness, but if you like your coffee piping hot and can't find a drip maker that suits you, trying a vac pot might be the way to go.
    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
  • silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 21,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Bonavita, Technivorm, Behmor Brazen"

    which of these do you prefer?
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,600 ✭✭✭✭✭
     I like the Behmor BraZen, it has precise temperature control which can really make a difference and has programmable bloom too.  You have to be careful with the BraZen to avoid using water that will scale easily, I ended up using Reverse Osmosis water from the Pure Water store and adding some minerals back with a solution made from Epson salts and baking soda which I thinks makes a difference.  The newer BraZen brewers coming out will feature an app to be able to control the brewer remotey, bring the water up to temp ahead of time, etc, but I don't need all those features.  The BraZen can take longer to brew because it brings all the water up to temp first before brewing instead of heating smaller amounts of water during the brew cycle.  I usually use the hot water tap from my water cooler to fill the reservoir which helps cut the brew time.

    The Bonavita is less money with less features, the Technivorm is more money, but some really like it and it's style and some say that you ned to stir the grounds while brewing.
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  • silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 21,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, @yakster ,that's the one I provisionally settled on, too. I am a little wary of the circuitry, I've had trouble with kitchen appliances that relied too heavily on it. How long have you had it? I'll use filtered water, our town adds calcium to the ground water to cut the natural acidity that was eating copper plumbing.
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,600 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually pre-ordered the BraZen when they were first released.  I had to have it replaced due to a valve problem, but Behmor's support is first rate and this one has been working fine for quite a while.  I also have an old Behmor coffee roaster I use.
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  • NolagizmoNolagizmo Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So I'm jumping on the Excellent Cup band wagon. I've ordered some for Danielle's parents who don't function without coffee. I am of the non coffee drinker bunch who would rather enjoy bourbon. So I found the perfect excuse to grab some beans and try it once for t.. sh... or its and giggles. If this don't convert me nothing will. I am looking forward to surprising my in laws that I truly love. And WTH if I like it I'll buy me some after. In the mean time why not support a botl that provides Excellent Cups nation wide. Petey you're the best! If we don't meet up in Tennessee you can bring your happy go lucky self down to New Orleans end of July. I got a spare room for the weekend and a cigar lounge within 10 mins from the house now.
    "Come party with me in Tennessee for my birthday July we can smoke in the Smokey's."
  • Edna20Edna20 Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, Peter roasted my beans as well :) Enjoying a cup this morning! Thanks Peter!!
    Team O'Donnell FTW!
  • jarublajarubla Posts: 2,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    jlmarta said:
    Hip, hip, hooray for the HueHue
    Agreed! Had a cuppa HueHue this am. Bless you @peter4jc
    “There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.” -Kevin Welch
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Edna20 said:
    Yes, Peter roasted my beans as well :) Enjoying a cup this morning! Thanks Peter!!
    Sorry, Kelly...  I knew you were Kelly, but am so used to seeing your username @Edna20 that I didn't put two and two together.  First-time Ccom members typically get some sticks with the coffee - now I'm just going to have to bomb you the old-fashioned way.

    Thanks for the order!
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • Edna20Edna20 Posts: 1,323 ✭✭✭✭✭
    peter4jc said:
    Edna20 said:
    Yes, Peter roasted my beans as well :) Enjoying a cup this morning! Thanks Peter!!
    Sorry, Kelly...  I knew you were Kelly, but am so used to seeing your username @Edna20 that I didn't put two and two together.  First-time Ccom members typically get some sticks with the coffee - now I'm just going to have to bomb you the old-fashioned way.

    Thanks for the order!
    Muahhh, I'm sneaky like that Peter ;) The coffee is great, thanks for getting it to me so quickly! 

    We almost had a catastrophe though. Received our Aeropress, grinder, and electric kettle on Friday. Coffee came on Saturday. Perfect, Sunday morning we'll figure it all out. So we get up Sunday, we get everything figured out, and enjoy some coffee. Later in the morning I make myself another cup. Wash everything off and put it on the counter. I get up this morning and go to make myself a cup and I can't find the filter part of the Aeropress anywhere. Check the dishwasher, check kitchen drawers, text my husband to see if he did something with it, nothing. Then it dawns on me...did I drop it in the garbage and not grab it out?? Well, it's trash pick up day of course. So I drop the kid off at daycare, pull the top garbage bag out of the can at the curb (while all of my neighbors were watching I imagine), bring it in the house and dig through it. Sure enough, there it is. Crisis resolved, I'm enjoying a delicious cup of coffee now, and am putting Monday morning behind me!! 
    Team O'Donnell FTW!
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yup, that's one of the best things about the AP is the cleanup...  as long as the filter doesn't go with the puck.

    I'm happy that you're happy with the coffee!
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • silvermousesilvermouse Posts: 21,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Valentine's Day present #2 to my wife arrived this morning, Guatemala Huehuetenango -- Adiesto. The Excellent Cup subscription service, the gift that keeps giving.
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, @Nolagizmo just ordered a year's subscription for his inlaws...  I knew the lad was daft, but this proves it.
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • NolagizmoNolagizmo Posts: 1,914 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Gotta luv this guy and his coffee.
    Will enjoy the tag alongs too. All new to me except the dpg I keep some of those. Can't wait to try them.
    "Come party with me in Tennessee for my birthday July we can smoke in the Smokey's."
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just a little somethin' that magically appeared in my cup this afternoon...

    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • dirtdudedirtdude Posts: 5,886 ✭✭✭✭✭
    that looks like a
    A little dirt never hurt
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeez. Always thinkin' about something to eat....  :p
  • WylaffWylaff Posts: 5,410 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "Cooking isn't about struggling; It's about pleasure. It's like sǝx, with a wider variety of sauces."

    At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,600 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, nice sponsor spotlight, I even learned something new about Peter even though I've known him for a few years.  I look forward to sitting down later and watching the whole spot. (sitting at Panera Bread now grabbing a bit, logging into a customer network, and checking the forum)
    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
  • peter4jcpeter4jc Posts: 17,050 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, fellas.  I'm honored and blessed to be associated with Jiunn and his buddy Aaron.  We're going to do some more spots on some specifics about coffee like roasting, brewing, various regions, and dig into it more than we had time for in the initial episode.
    "I could've had a Mi Querida!"   Nick Bardis
  • jlmartajlmarta Posts: 7,881 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aaaaahh, ya big ham....   :p
  • YaksterYakster Posts: 28,600 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great video, interesting that some points touch on some things that @Jliu and I were talking about when we herfed at Ohlone.
    Join us on Zoom vHerf (Meeting # 2619860114 Password vHerf2020 )
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