"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
Thanks everybody! This is pretty cool opening all these.
As of now I have received 9 hits. In no particular order,........ here's the pics.
1. @MikeTodd is gettin' me a great selection of "new to me" stuff plus a couple of old favorites. Love the "witch hat" pointy cinco! Nice job Mike.
2. @CigarFanatic Smacks down a solid hit including a very pretty Bahia Blue I'm interested in trying. Thanks
3. @Nolagizmo seems to know exactly what catches my eye. Nice job Mikie! That Laranja looks really cool too. And it's Brazillian? Very cool!
4. @Puff_Dougie knows how I roll. A little bit of everything. Love it Doug! Thanks brother.
5. @WaterNerd Sends the love,...... and coffee, from the west coast. Excellent lineup Allan. Thanks And cheers for the coffee. I haven't busted it open yet. Maybe soon when I get company over enough for a big pot or two.
As last months winner, I can vouch that the coffee is excellent! Thanks @WaterNerd Not to take anything away from @peter4jc When I get back from vacation, I will be ordering some of his Excellent Cup. From the reviews around here, I won't be dissapointed!
6. @onestrangeone hits me right on the nose. Beautiful selection. Nice DE! Very nice! Thanks N.
7. @genareddog makes a SWEET coaster! Really cool! Thanks! And the sticks are cool too but I can't say enough about how I love handcrafted cigar accessories. Especially ones made by my ccom brothers.
8. @webmost has slayed me with this selection. I'm floored. Can't come up with the right words. Just take a look!,.... and you know this is a heavy heavy hit. And for those of you who don't know, Webby rolls his own cigars. And, let me tell you those handmade beauties smell amazing. Muchas gracias, señor Torcedore.
9. @First_Warrior is a really cool guy. (In case you didn't already know). He is a man of many talents. I'm appreciative to be on the receiving end of his generosity on several occasions. He is at the top of my list of people "I owe" on this forum. He also rolls his own cigars. And, I now have one with my name on it. Doesn't get much better than that does it? Thanks Rodger.
Nice job fellas. Looks like you have 8 outstanding. 9 including mine.
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
"I drink a great deal. I sleep a little, and I smoke cigar after cigar. That is why I am in two-hundred-percent form." -- Winston Churchill "LET'S GO FRANCIS" Peter
Ive been gone from the house since 11:30pm on yesterday. By then I had received two more sfr packages. I will post pics Asap but, My computer is messed up and my phone is app poor so no pics until i can de-bug my computer but, here are the numbers. Thank's fellas.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Sorry, I'm not keeping y'all updated as well as I should. I read this post and started to get on it but, then I had company come over. I'm working today/tonight so I'll try and get pics up tomorrow. I think all of them have landed.
-- Winston Churchill
I'm starting to think that maybe the po lost another box, wondering if I should send a replacement.
-- Winston Churchill
As of now I have received 9 hits. In no particular order,........ here's the pics.
1. @MikeTodd is gettin' me a great selection of "new to me" stuff plus a couple of old favorites. Love the "witch hat" pointy cinco! Nice job Mike.
2. @CigarFanatic Smacks down a solid hit including a very pretty Bahia Blue I'm interested in trying. Thanks
3. @Nolagizmo seems to know exactly what catches my eye. Nice job Mikie! That Laranja looks really cool too. And it's Brazillian? Very cool!
4. @Puff_Dougie knows how I roll. A little bit of everything. Love it Doug! Thanks brother.
5. @WaterNerd Sends the love,...... and coffee, from the west coast. Excellent lineup Allan. Thanks
6. @onestrangeone hits me right on the nose. Beautiful selection. Nice DE! Very nice! Thanks N.
7. @genareddog makes a SWEET coaster! Really cool! Thanks! And the sticks are cool too but I can't say enough about how I love handcrafted cigar accessories. Especially ones made by my ccom brothers.
8. @webmost has slayed me with this selection. I'm floored. Can't come up with the right words. Just take a look!,.... and you know this is a heavy heavy hit. And for those of you who don't know, Webby rolls his own cigars. And, let me tell you those handmade beauties smell amazing. Muchas gracias, señor Torcedore.
9. @First_Warrior is a really cool guy. (In case you didn't already know). He is a man of many talents. I'm appreciative to be on the receiving end of his generosity on several occasions. He is at the top of my list of people "I owe" on this forum. He also rolls his own cigars. And, I now have one with my name on it. Doesn't get much better than that does it? Thanks Rodger.
-- Winston Churchill
9505 5000 3216 6043 0001 04
-- Winston Churchill