my poor little mustang

I was on my way into work on Thursday morning and was on the freeway. Traffic was SLOW as crap and majorly annoying. Traffic came to stop and so did I. I look up into my review mirror in time to see the car behind me not stop. The idiot rear-ended me. We pulled onto the shoulder and I didn't see much damage at the time. The bumper is askew, the lower valance is dented and scraped up and I ended up in the ER having my back checked out. On some muscle relaxers and pain killers. I can get up and moving around but it isn't too comfortable.... *SIGH*
BEST PART IS... Why did this person rear-end me? CAUSE SHE DROPPED HER BAGEL!!!!! SHE DROPPED HER **** EFFIN BAGEL!!!!! LOL
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
Last time I had someone hit me they fled the scene. Of course no insurance.
Last time I was rear-ended my back hurt for about two weeks, and one day it just stopped. Then again it was some years ago, and I was a younger lad.
Are you Still having aches and pains since the accident?
Hope you and the Stang get better soon!
I highly doubt that the frame was damaged. She was probably going 15mph. I don't think there is enough external visual damage that there might be frame damage.
Im still achy. sitting or standing too long hurts and my back gets stiff quickly. Stretching and moving around helps a bit but not much.
That's the last thing I need is a camera crew following me around! LMAO!!!! Though it would be kinda funny....
well shes been violated... time for turbos, efi and a roll cage
If the insurance payout is enough..... YES
Repeat those three things and enjoy your 2016 GT.
That is your spouses claim that you don't preform the same as before the accident. Hard to prove
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...