I Just Got Double Tapped!

Came home today to see 2 packages on the table waiting patiently for me to open.
Been looking for a cigar stand and saw some really nice ones here on the forum. Asked @danielzreyes if he could hook me up with one and to let me know the cost. Well the next thing you know I have a package from him. Thank you very much for the stands. Very Cool

Talking to @kswildcat the other night about cigars and such. Told him (rookie mistake) that I haven’t tried Vegas 5. He said he would send me a few to sample before I go out and buy a sampler. Well when I picked up the package I noticed that it was heavy for a 5ver but thought he just tossed in some hot peppers or something like that. Boy was I wrong. He seriously hooked me up. Thank you again Randy for this over the top sampler

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt
— Abraham Lincoln3
I mighta been fishin a bit on the reconquista which I only had about a week. .