Have we really come to this?

Whether you like Trump or not, is this really how people should behave?
I don't understand these people.
If I don't like a person running, I don't vote for them.
Blocking traffic and shutting down a highway is kind of stupid, not to mention a bit extreme, I think.
I don't know that something like this is even productive.
It's interesting that people are going nuts about the race.
I was asked who I was voting for and the person got all worked up when I said I hadn't made up my mind yet. Their response was, "How could you not know??" and went on to explain why certain ones shouldn't be voted for.
I understand being passionate about it, but strong arming people to vote a certain way is a bit over the top.
I don't understand these people.
If I don't like a person running, I don't vote for them.
Blocking traffic and shutting down a highway is kind of stupid, not to mention a bit extreme, I think.
I don't know that something like this is even productive.
It's interesting that people are going nuts about the race.
I was asked who I was voting for and the person got all worked up when I said I hadn't made up my mind yet. Their response was, "How could you not know??" and went on to explain why certain ones shouldn't be voted for.
I understand being passionate about it, but strong arming people to vote a certain way is a bit over the top.
In Fumo Pax
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Wylaff said:
Atmospheric pressure and crap.
With that said the more I see these slow leak gimme gimme free stuff, open borders, utopia people get irritated the more I will vote (reluctantly) for Trump if he does win the nominee. Kansas is done in the primary and I less then istaticly pulled the lever for Cruz
I still think Trump is a fake and won't even attempt to fix immigration. But chances are I'm wrong. Regardless I HOPE a president Trump would be better then a Hillary or Bernie.
Trump himself does not make it easy for me to vote for him if he does become the nominee, but the utopia crowd does. The more they pull this crud the more intrenched I become.
I still have my tin foil hat on and thinking clouds are aligning for all hell to break lose and the election being suspended.
Bernie's a nice old guy but nice old guys don't make good presidents.
Im not in love with Trump but, as it's always been, it just boils down to the lesser of evils. Looked at that way, he's the obvious choice. And if we can make it through eight years of Obummercare without the country caving in on us, we can probably hang on through a Trump administration....
I guess I shouldn't soft-pedal it so much and just say what I really think, right??
The people who are creating these mobs, blockades and all seem to be those who want all that and it is pushing a large number of people to re-think their choices.
Which is a shame.
It shouldn't be this way.
You shouldn't have to be voting for the person you hate the least.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
They claim to need foreign workers to do jobs Americans won't. Yet they give Americans incentives not to work. That's all bs. You take away the incentives people will do whatever they can to survive. The equality utopia they try to sell is a dream. I've done the jobs most the illegals these days have been proven to lazy to do. Most are not like the illegals of the past, they come for our welfare nothing more. I have many first generation immigrant friends and they despise them as much as me. They are furious they had to work their azces off to come here and make it while the new just come and get handed everything. But that gives the big government power to get even bigger and more powerful.
If Trump or Cruz for that matter actually did attempt to at least attempt to fix immigration and the welfare state it would be nice. I just don't see it.
Today, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
On the one hand, I'm laughing that he's doing so well. On the other hand, I'm crying because he's doing so well and the other options are just as horrid.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Didn't take long for corruption to reign again. After his second term, TR thought he had groomed a successor in Taft. Turned out Taft had been bought by oligarchs. Theodore ran against him next time, won two thirds of the delegates, until the party stole the process in the back room. Three quarters of his delegates actually walked out of the convention. So TR started his own Progressive party. That's the campaign where TR got shot on his way to the podium, stood up anyway, spoke for an hour and a half while bleeding from the chest, and said he felt strong as a bull moose. The result was predictable: Progressives split the Republican vote, enabling the racist and corrupt Democratic party to triumph, bringing about segregation, the resurgence of the KKK, Prohibition, and eventually, war in Europe.
Teddy rode in on a wave of bombast, busted a couple trusts, opened a couple parks, and was done. Two terms later, the oligarchs returned to power, Teddy went on safari, and the rich got richer. Rockefeller made more money after his Standard Oil monopoly was busted up than he ever had before.
Oligarchy appears to be the inevitable backbone of government. Nature of the beast. Regardless whether its outward form is monarchy, democracy, republican, socialist, or even theocracy, government is really there to obey and reward a privileged class. All these vacuous daydreaming statists who believe that government can be wise and benevolent ignore the entire experience of mankind through the millennia. No government can remain good long enough to finish your cup of coffee. This is why I insist that you cannot have good government; you can only have less government.
The cycle goes like so: The people get pissed, and then they get pissed on.
Exactly 16 years ago the Simpsons predicted a Trump presidency
sorry about the ad. It's only a few seconds, though...