How many?

How many law enforcement officers have to die before the idiots in Washington and the moron media admit there is a problem and war has been waged?
Having no luck finding much info on the net about this Jim Brown III that killed the Virginia trooper other then he has a heck of a rap sheet and shouldn't been on the streets in the first place. From what I gather from my search is they are stumped on motive, seems pretty darn obvious to me..
Sure funny how I can't find any pictures of this guy.. This is way out of hand and the media and idiots in Washington are not helping.
Having no luck finding much info on the net about this Jim Brown III that killed the Virginia trooper other then he has a heck of a rap sheet and shouldn't been on the streets in the first place. From what I gather from my search is they are stumped on motive, seems pretty darn obvious to me..
Sure funny how I can't find any pictures of this guy.. This is way out of hand and the media and idiots in Washington are not helping.
-- Winston Churchill
Remember that while a law passed may be directed toward the criminals, often a innocent person can get wound up in it.
Folks can say that if the person were innocent, they wouldn't, but it happens everyday.
This is where lobbyists and politicians get hung up. Trying to come up with laws, that will keep criminals in jail without infringing on the rights of americans is a bit of a juggling act.
Not really my view point of it, but that is what most politicians will feed you.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
-- Winston Churchill
edit: people shouldn't be afraid of holding a cell phone and cops shouldn't be afraid of that innocent action.
Never heard of or seen one..
Still seems pretty much like shove it under the rug, nothing to see here. If the dude had robbed a store and was running from the cops and got shot I'm pretty sure would have been covered much different.
Politicians gotta get serious about the problem, and not their agenda's, before things get more out of control. Is it just me or do they seem to be letting more out of jails and giving lighter sentences now? Questioning the policeman's integrity before the criminal in some cases, before all the facts are known. Need to get tougher on prosecuting more crimes. Especially sentencing of crimes committed with a gun, even more so on crimes against policemen, firemen etc. Mandatory, put em away, give them to "Sheriff Joe".
-- Winston Churchill
Seems to me cops do their jobs but everyone in suits don't do theirs. That would be frustrating to no end. Kinda like being border patrol with Obozo in the white house.
rosecuted very tough. Very rare for someone to go to prison on drug charges unless they meet trafficking levels. Unfortunately the charges that are dropped are really up to the state and they rarely contact the LEO to get input.
-- Winston Churchill