
I've been around Ccom and the Forum for quite a while, and have read many posts on the Ccom/CI relationship. Here's a new one (for me at least)-received my American Express statement today and it shows a charge to Cigars International from about a month ago. Interesting thing is, this was an order to Ccom via Andy. Don't have a problem with this, just found it interesting as it was my understanding that they were separate companies that shipped out of the same warehouse. Wonder if there has been a change to that model....
I believe they are technically two separate companies with separate staffing but they share and have access to each others inventory and resources. I've always believed that and all the experiences I've had and read about support that theory. I've been able to get things from CI's inventory from a ccom account manager, although the normal discounts they could dish out would not be able to happen because it wasn't their inventory to discount. I had to pay the the CI price.
I don't think it really matters in the end. I've got no problem ordering from either, and as we all know, ccom is simply much more personally tuned to its online community's needs.
I've made up my own story as to how this happened...
A long time ago... There were two friends who shared a vision of being the largest distributor of cigars to the average Joe and started an online business. While they shared this same vision in principle, they had different roadmaps on how to get there. One wanted to be a B&M/online source while the other wanted to be exclusively online.
Both being the fine, upstanding BOTLs that they were, settled their differences amicably, probably over a Padron, that would give them each the fundamental ability to be the largest seller of cigars, but would allow for different avenues of approach.
Who knows how close my story is to the real one. But it works for me. ;-)