you can't make this stuff up

Last weekend, Barack Obama invited five rap stars to the White House to help with his "Brother's Keeper" initiative, to encourage young black men to avoid incarceration for undocumented acts of wealth redistribution.
The president had barely finished speaking when rapper Rick Ross's court-ordered ankle bracelet went off. Yes, a man selected by Mr. Obama to serve as an exemplary racial role model has to wear an ankle bracelet until his trial for aggravated assault and battery, pistol-whipping, and kidnapping (second arrest this month, by the way). Tragically, Ross is not also facing charges for rapping in public.
Call me old fashioned (liberals will surely call me a cross-burning racist) but I have to think the best way to discourage misogynistic, criminally anti-social behavior among black youths may not be honoring rappers who make their millions celebrating misogynistic, criminally anti-social behavior.

Ben Carson, by odd contrast, was not invited.
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
Post edited by TheCigarChick on
Well, I'd follow that one in the middle a ways, Bill would, too.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Then you have Bono, Bano or whatever the hell his name is telling congress how we are not doing enough in foreign aid and such, that if we do more that will settle things down in the middle east.. We should also send people like Chris Rock over to entertain ISIS.. I'm sure that's right at the top of Chris Rock's to do list.. If he agrees to the nonsense I will personally buy his plane ticket as long as he agrees to do it without any military escort or anything. And no I won't waste my money on a round trip ticket.
-- Winston Churchill
Then Obama's famous speech on Bush's un-American use of the China atm raising the debt. Obama had that China Atm moved next to his bed and plays it like a slot machine. I don't think Obama can give a speech without telling us how un-American we are.
Springsteen I saw back in the 70's when Born To Run came out, before he had muscles and an attitude. Great show, wasn't much flash and dash back then just the music and fans. What about those fans Bruce in NC now? Those who spent their coin on overpriced tickets, making arrangements looking forward to seeing you play? Could have stated your feelings and done the show instead of grandstanding, should still be about the fans not you. **** with other peoples time and money, not cool.
I compare that to Rory Gallagher, one of my favorites, maybe because I'm Irish. He was out of Ireland and there were troubles there back then. Didn't stop him from going to Belfast, Jan.1, 1972 and doing a show. Politics didn't matter, bombs going off before and during the show didn't matter, once the music started you couldn't hear them anyways. They were asked to cancel the show, no one had dared play there in 2 years. But there were fans there that wanted to see him, so they went.
Got off topic, rant"s over.
How can you blame him? After his Muslim father abandoned him, his Muslim stepfather took him to a Muslim island dictatorship at an impressionable age, adopted him, and made him a citizen. Each day he heard the muezzin's call while every schoolmate (no doubt including himself) knelt five times daily. No wonder he regards Islam as the religion of peace. Christians might be beaten in the street, but his schoolmates would sanction that, and thus so would he. Apparently, his elementary school even went so far as to teach the boy that “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.” Remember that bloviating preposterosity?
His adopted island nation is a republic in form only. President Suharto ruled with pen and phone. The supine body only pretended to be a legislature so that they could golf with big donors. These jackasses would pass any law Suharto insisted on, in order to read what it contained later. If he liked a law, the tyrant enforced it. If not, he would not. If there was no law to justify his whim, he would pretend there was. If law did not say what he wanted it to say, he would contort it. No matter how dreadful the result of his policies. No matter how whopper his lies. No matter how flimsy his excuses. Expression of opposition would be suppressed by the very organs of government. No wonder he thinks that's how democracy ought to work. The tyrant wearing a crown of presidency, and his family, lived in lavish style, taking lavish vacations one after another, all on the public dime, surrounded by armies of bodyguards. His appointed henchmen need not fear the law either. He might negotiate any treaty he pleased regardless how disastrous the result for the nation. Legislature had no right to review anything his pen had signed. Dictators censor media, militarize the police, disarm the citizenry, persecute whistleblowers, surveil the public, engage in social engineering, the whole nine yards. So what?
Despite all this, the boy's idea of president is a media darling. He might tell the most blatant lies and yet his sycophantic media would fawn. He might strike a pose where the camera had to look up his haughty nose like a Mussolini. He had charisma. How can you blame a boy brought up to believe that a republic ought to be ruled solely by charisma and will, in despite of the public weal, from acting out what he was brought up to believe? When this man trots round the globe repeatedly scolding us "that's not who we are!", how would he know who we are? He's not one of us. This is not a matter of digging up a paper certificate of live birth stamped by the island director of public health who was chairwoman of an Indonesian spiritual movement (google Sobud) and who promptly yet conveniently died in a plane crash -- no. This is a matter of upbringing and inclination. It's not where geographically he was born, but who fundamentally he is, that would make him distasteful to our founding fathers.
His idea of a republic is not government of, by, and for the people. It is people of, by, and for the top dog. Le etat c'est moi.
Oddly enough, even here in the Land of the Free there are plenty of people who crave tyranny. Here they come now: His fawning apologists. (If they have been able to stomach reading this far). They'll post that everyone does it, that the result is so grand, they'll minimize all his policy failures, blame the other guy, ignore his constant lies, say it happened a long time ago, erect straw men in front of our eyes, claim it doesn't matter, and (my favorite) call me racist. Let them tell us how much they love everything from Obamacare to a nuclear Iran to this sick obsession with pervert empowerment. Then let them explain why the land of the free ought to be ruled by decree.
Yeah, I hate the guy. Question is, why the hell do these tools love him?
We are witnessing the rapid self-destruction of a historically rare experiment in liberty.
Hello pot, meet kettle.
Perhaps H.W.'s luncheon with Easy-E is a better example.
Keep clutching those pearls.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Please help me with what songs Elvis glorified killing cops, crime, drug use and so on..
-- Winston Churchill
shillary has been "transparent" through this whole thing......lololol
*** sorry, off topic thread jacking. i'll go back to my cave now ***
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Feel* free to read through the documents archived on that link and observe the absurdity that was this exchange. Elvis brought Nixon a gun. He showed up at the Whitehouse with a gun.
Presley had a pretty widely known relationship with drugs e.g. "Elvis' personal physician, Dr. George Nichopoulos, was found to have written Elvis 199 prescriptions totaling more than 10,000 doses of sedatives, amphetamines and narcotics in the first 8 months of 1977."
As for the luncheon, that was George Herbert Walker Bush that met with rapper Easy-E.
Although most took advantage of their God Givin talents it was still not easy. For every pro athlete there is probably 5 better that didn't make it thru poor choices and taking the easy way out. Some were lucky and in the right place at the right time but still had to work hard. Same for all professions and people of every nationality.
Although the American dream is not what it use to be it's still here. You cannot achieve it by being flat azz and waiting for others to hand it to you. You cannot sit and wait for opportunities to come to you, you have to go to them. Sitting waiting, complaining and blaming others for your short fall will get you nowhere. No race is holding another race back.
These people Obama invited do nothing more then make a killing of the backs of the people the claim to be for. They sell no hope or dreams. What they do sell is blaming others, crime and hate.
War on drugs is a massive waste of money the way it's being fought. Are you saying we should not punish drug addicts and people pushing that poison on others, especially Lil kids? We should freely let it happen?
Nevermind,.. here's my specific question for you Gordon.
Bush 41 met Easy-E? "Met"? As in shook hands and spoke with each other? I was thinking that it happened because you said they met. And, your apples to apples type of comparison kinda' depends on it.
But, it says right there in the article you posted that he (Easy E Wright) didn't actually meet with the president. According to your own example,.... he merely attended a luncheon.
Was there a different meeting that you forgot to mention? I can't find any photos of these two famous people together.
If you only read the first paragraph of your own example and "assumed" that they met then you simply made a mistake. But, if that's the case are you willing to withdraw your apples to apples comparison? Because, it doesn't hold up at all if that's the case. They are not even close to being similar. Attending an invite only event with 1400 others who were also invited, isn't exactly a meeting is it? I could be wrong, maybe there was a different meeting. Are you googling now to see if there was another meeting? Let me know if you find it. After all, you said it was a better comparison than the Elvis meeting. Right?
Lets say Billary gets elected. There ain't a chance in hell that she'll be brought to task for her numerous legal and moral misdeeds - email security, Benghazi, etc. once that happens. That's what she's hoping for. If she loses the election it'll be a whole different ball game for her,,,,
"I get to do what I want, you have to do what I say".
Over and over and over into infinity.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain