What really grinds my gears!

So today on the way home I got stuck behind someone going below the speed limit!! Dang it people just drive or get off the road!! I just want to get home after a long day and really don't care that you have nothing to do. Maybe if you had something to look forward to you might just go 5 mph faster and go the speed limit!!
Money can't buy taste
-- Winston Churchill
I mean, if you're not passing someone why the hell not move over to the right and let those of us who want to move a little faster than you do get past you? It's just downright thoughtless and rude, IMO.
And it doesn't seem to matter whether they're in their own state or someone else's. They do it anyway....
Down the road to the Taco Belch today, some brain dead old fart braked to a stop three times in the same block, looking for a place to cross the median. I installed an air horn on Biffy Bullfrog, my KLR, for just such moments. Dikkhead just about lost it when I laid on the horn. Couple workmen pulled in behind me at the TBelch, admired Biffy's air horn, told me "That old guy's gonna get someone killed."
If you can't get with the program, get off the road.
On the rare occasion I use the highways I try and stay in the middle lane, at the limit or a little above. If I have to pass I try and blow by and get back in my lane, like to see what's in front of me. Hate it when you're going about 75 and some fools hanging on your side, not much room for error. Up here in the summer you have to be a defensive driver around town, you get used to it.
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Another bs regulation that does nothing but put these idiots in a hurry everywhere they go. Speed thru small towns and just drive like it's all about them, nobody else matters.
OK sorry about the rant.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
but i'll forgive 'em a little bit if there's no shoulder/curb to ride on. i've had to ride on roads like that in the past (riding to work from our old house) and believe me, i did not like having to ride out in the travel lane but there was literally no other option.
but you know what's even worse......the bicycle riders who ride in the road even though there's a freaking paved bike path 5 feet from the side of the road. like why? why do they feel the need to ride in a 45 MPH travel when there's a 10 foot wide path literally right next to them.....grrrrrr
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
My favorite cigar list here
Truck I drive is a 2014 and already sounds like a rattle trap. Roads eat up shocks, airbags and tires like mad. I'm just fortunate to be in a KW apposed to a freightshaker.. Use to never use load locks to keep load in place, now it's pretty much a givin. And need a jack to install them so they don't fall within 30 miles. And often have to reset cruise especially at a bridge. Some are so bad it will knock the truck out of gear.
If your thinking the road taxes your paying at the pump is going towards the roads I can assure you they arent. And if and when they do road repair it's often using recycled asphalt which is pretty much like pissing on a flat rock.
And one of my torque wrenches was $600.
I'm not even sure what I have total on my truck.
Over 35 years, you tend to accumulate a lot though.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.