Band On? Band Off?

As still a Newbie (3 months), I'm noticing there are some guys on the golf course and cigar shop smoke room, who take off the band before lighting. I'm not sure why as it can only be a personal preference. Are they trying to keep their stick a secret due to cost, whether hi or low? Personally I like the band on. It's like a reference for wear to hold and how much smokin' I got left. So far I've had the pleasure to remove every band as I'm getting close to passing it towards the nub! That may change in the far off future, but I don't think so. To me, a cigar without its band just looks naked.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
I always leave it on until the burn is close to the band. Sometimes removing a tricky band is easier once the heat gets to it and you can avoid damaging the cigar.
@mikewal here's a good link:
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"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Let's see how many agree's I can get with this post....could set a new record!
Sometimes, like if you're smoking that Gurkha that's been lounging in your humidor since you just started smoking, the band is the only thing keeping the wrapper from totally self-destructing. I've actually slid the band towards the foot in those situations to forestall the inevitable.
I also hate it when I try and remove the band it it's glued to the wrapper, I'd rather wait until the heat of the cigar has loosened the glue than tear the wrapper.
That way I don't have to blow a bunch of money on a cigar I probably won't enjoy anyway
However, this is almost guaranteed with a gurkha.