Free 84% Bovedas

I have a few left over from seasoning my humidor. If you're in need of a few PM me with your address. All I ask is you keep your eyes open for others who might need them once you're done and pass them on.
Post edited by NorthsideSmoke on
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Hope they work for you brother.
That's the last of them, sorry if I did not get to anyone that wanted these.
Thanks a mil.
Just last night I dampened a batch of Criollo seco to use as binders & stuck them in a tupperware. Stuck my nose in the tupp this morning. I tell you, if anyone ever wants to know why we love cigar tobaccos, give them a snurf of dampened Criollo 98. Mygawd that is the sweetest odor ever! The Bovedas are going to be perfect for keeping my binder and wrapper leaves just right.
Lemme get my act together.
I may not have your address any more. I believe I threw your box away. Send my that, I'll mail a small pkg of Uppowoc Perfectos