Trumpyland and Pencelvania

Last week I rode to McSherrystown to visit with my friend Craig Smith at FX Smith's Sons cigar factory. He wants to add Muniemakers and Toppers to his web site. It's about a two, two and a half hour ride. The direct route transects the prettiest murdersickle riding MerryLand and Pennsyltucky have to offer. Rolling fertile hills; lumpy one lane roads thru woods; little battered mill towns where the mill closed when the jobs moved to Mexico, where the worn denizens have nothing left to do but sit smoking on the stoop watching you ride by; then back to the wilderness, rushing cricks, dodging whistlepigs, ducking beneath one lane underpasses, bumping over rusty train tracks. I like that ride.
Well, earlier that morning, Bearswatter and I were driving back from the IHOP, when we remarked how many Trump/Pence signs littered the landscape, but how you never see a Hillary sign. Never. Why? Now, Newark is a populous university town. En route to the Merryland border, I passed right thru the University, passed frat houses, then thru upscale neighborhoods where professors live on the left with their country club on the right. Trump/Pence, both sides.
Nothing else to do for two hours, I started counting signs. Lost count somewhere around eighty, still in Merryland. I'm gonna estimate 200 Trump/Pence, time I got there.
Spotted one Gary Johnson sign in PA. That was a surprise.
First and only Hillary sign posted on the right as I entered Hanover, very last minute, bout two miles from McSherrystown.
Trump/Pence again all thru town to the factory.
Hillary Clinton tied with Gary Johnson!
Quarter mile from home there's a cigar store, where I stopped in to score some mild stuff to bomb a forum newb. There's a Trump/Pence headquarters set up in a storefront right next door. What the hell, I dropped in, asked the gal at the desk what's up with all these signs. She replied: "You have no idea. Most of our signs get destroyed. There's gangs that go round every night tearing them up. We get a lot of people tell us they are afraid to post a sign because of vandalism."
I ran round the whole of my own development. Three Trump/Pence. Zero Hillary.
We all know better than to trust polls. Like Rueters, here couple weeks back, who, soon as their polls showed Trump ahead. they tergiversated: "Oh no; there must be an error in our method," re-engineered their method, so that the results of the same poll two days later showed Hillary ahead. So where do we get a real handle on the question of the day?
Does a simple sign count count as any kind of a poll?
If so, those media megacorp syndicates already printing up their dewey eyed headlines may wake up Wednesday to a joyful Truman holding up the newspaper.

--- or true jackass, in this case.

--- or true jackass, in this case.
Of course, you do have to keep an eye on demographics. Mine are not likely to be yours. My route led thru a lot of countryside. Hard handed hard working practical people live there. People who change their own transmission in their old pickup. People who shoot from deer stands, not drive bys. Who wear their hats brim forward and pull their pants up. There may be some youths among them stranded in their parents basement by failed Obamanomics who may have posted a different sign if only it were their house. But by the same token, these listless mill towns, every stoop holds an ex union member, and welfare is no stranger to their old clapboard house. And Newark, as I say, is a University town -- no basket of deplorables here. My development is a racially heterogeneous working man's neighborhood. Cable installers, plumbers, carpenters, fellows with business decals on their pickup doors, mothers and children.
Then there's the whole voter fraud demographic. Signs don't count the millions of dead voters, aliens, felons, unregistered, thrice coounted, fictional, bought, blocs, and engineered miscounts ... ask Bernie. There's a very good and consistent reason why one side opposes voter IDs. Not because one specific race is too hapless, dumb, and pathetic to secure enough ID to buy a beer. But because, face it, it's a well-organized and professional plunderbund. Trump will have to win by a landslide to eke out a victory.
Try it yourself. I'd be curious to know how other precincts report in. Tell us about how and where you counted what.
Makes me wonder...
“It has been a source of great pain to me to have met with so many among [my] opponents who had not the liberality to distinguish between political and social opposition; who transferred at once to the person, the hatred they bore to his political opinions.” —Thomas Jefferson (1808)
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I do know a couple Clinton signs in the I-83 to Hanover back roads. But Trump certainly is overwhelming here.
And Davis, why the heck didn't you tell me you were passing through? Or did you go a different route to avoid the bridge that's out on PA-216?
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
No, I was just in a hurry to get back for handball. I'll bring a couple hand rolled next time thru.
The bridge is almost done, so should help with that ride. I rarely use the official detour. If you are heading east and go all the way to the bridge and turn left, it's a nice winding drive. But you have to watch out for deer. Oh, but there's another eagle nest somewhere in there; I've seen one flying over a farm, probably looking for lambs or chickens.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I drive a lot for my job (300 miles a day on average) and truly have seen very little support for Hillary. It really makes me wonder where she gets the "numbers" from.
Between hollywood celebrities and the media it makes one wonder just how can so many people be so blind (read 'dumb') to the truth.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
I know a couple of professional pollsters, both just acquaintances, not really friends. One studies social and generational trends. The other is political. I know some "polls" are rigged, but there are good ones out there using really good methodology--not just calling land lines or gauging online readers' echo chamber responses. Both of these guys would tell you there are limitations in the polls, though they will also say Hillary seems to have a commanding lead when it comes to ways to win the election. Something like 70-80% odds of winning. I know these guys have no dog in the fight, so to speak.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
Regardless of polls before the day, I predict record voter fraud will be the deciding factor.
Don't we all wish the running mates were the whole ticket?
Where do they get these odds, she has 6 supporters here that I have seen. While I have seen 1000's of Trump supporters. If it's like that across the rest of the country it would be more like a 1-2% chance of winning. Any good one that says Hillary is gonna win it clearly isn't very good.
But if I count the headstones in the local cemeteries, the likely Clinton voters outnumber the Trumpers by a very wide margin.
I guess the point I'm making by talking about the polls is that yard signs are hardly a fair or scientific indicator. Heck, I know married couples that are voting differently this election, and in one case, he's put a Trump sign in his yard. She allows it because it's not her nature to fuss. And they have some voting age kids at home. I have no idea what they're doing.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
If I had the money, I would surely philander. No doubt about it. None whatsoever. You?
I don't get the misogynist accusation whatsoever. What, because a womanly shaped
woman is too fat to be a beauty queen, and he said so? Are we in an obese country or not? Last I heard, we're most all fat.
Racist, at this point, is just a stupid knee jerk reaction Democrats use on everyone who opposes them. Is Mexican a race? Is Islamic terrorist a race? Neither, last time I checked. I don't find the constant race baiting a good thing at all.
In fact, just stop it with all the isms, altogether. An ism is just a convenient way for a liberal to stop thinking and start hating.
There's plenty of ways to know he's a blowhard without those horse pebbles.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
As to you assuming that I would ever fool around on my loving wife and best friend of twenty-two years if I had more money, well, you shouldn't project your own lack of morals on others. Assumptions are the basis of racism as well, regardless of the misuse of the word in today's society. The meaning is very clear.
I usually don't respond to such taunts, but this was too much.