Live plants for betta tanks.

Hey everyone! I have a 5 gallon tank which is perfect for my needs. I have a single betta and several snails and NOTHING else. lol What im looking for is advice for a nice small live plant for the tank. The fake plants kept getting nasty and were ugly in general. My current base in the tank is a standard Tetra gravel. Do I need to change my base layer? What would you recommend? Also as for a plant... what have you had experience with? I think the plant will brighten up my fish's behavior as he seems a tad depressed. Help?
Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
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It's a topwater plant that my betta seemed to like. Also if you go to your pet store and get some plants that are in the little black baskets,you can drop them right in. The roots will be fine in the baskets.
I will look into those plants.
I like the idea of a topwater plant. If I find duckweed ill give it a run.
But I was always a fan of the anubias, but since my freshwater back in the day had been set up as a plant tank I don't remember the care requirements.
I put in some new cycled substrate before planting them. but as you can see in the pic.... planting them stirred up some of the substrate and made it all a little 'dusty'.... buts its all gone now. lol
Also... trying to locate some Duckweed in my area.