Hello all I was looking for a unique cigar rest and I found this works good and goes with my ash try let me know what you think please and thanks botl and sotl
My Wife found a metal dog sculpture that would make a good cigar rest if my Wife would let me and if it wasn't so big. The dog's tongue holds the cigar.
Those are both good ones. It helps to have a rest handy. I tend to puff too often if i dont have a rest handy. (especially if im talkin. I loose track of time.)
What is that skeleton man's original purpose? It looks like a miniature park bench.
yes that is what it is supposed to be for @Bob_Luken but I just put a little putty on it to make it wider I hadn't done it when I took the pictures I will take new ones when I am done modding it I got it on amazon for $15
PM that a$$hole d*ckturd @danielzreyes. He'll hook you up
Someone else added dichturd to the descriptive definition of yourself and I do not want to be associated with that individual whom ever that may be. Please in the future decide on one or the other to describe yourself; a $$hole or dichturd. I do not like to share.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Try it like this: @danielzreyesI have looked for one of those but can't find one
One oF the MANY generous/kind guys and gals here.