Pocket knives.

I have Damascus, Kershaw, Buck, Gerber, Old Timer and an assortment of other knives, but I always seem to go back to my Old Timer Bearhead or Buck 110 lock blade knives. (Usually the old style, classics)
I love my pocket knives.
So I'm kind of curious what is your favorite brand and style?
I love my pocket knives.
So I'm kind of curious what is your favorite brand and style?
In Fumo Pax
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Wylaff said:
Atmospheric pressure and crap.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Ordered Thursday from Orleans, France. Arrived a day earlier than predicted, this morning, Monday, via DHL. ...

Came complete with instructions in literally 19 different languages, each printed way way too small for human eyes to discern, essentially warning customers not to stab themselves. Which is a shame, considering how much I was looking forward to some careless self-stabbery.
Best of all is the sharpener they peddle with it:

I stuck a little screwdriver thru the thumbhole of it, to tip it up, so that you could better see the two chips of of tungsten carbide mounted in the V slot It's these chips which do the deed. Instead of grinding away an edge, these tungsten carbide chips shave your steel! Works! I tried it on my fine old everyday companion, a carbon steel Tidioute stabber made at Queen City Cutlery in Titusville PA. A few strokes and it was sharped, leaving a wee bitty heap of steel shavings. First sharpener of this type I have ever seen.
So. Now I have to take my RedHead out to a steakhouse so's I can whip out my Deejo and impress her with the stylish sharp of it.
got a bunch of pocket knives but always have a Boker small stockman in my pocket. I use it at least a couple of times every day. The Solingen carbon steel takes and holds a fine edge with minimal work.
Have a pair of Kershaw Leeks, got one on me all the time. The other is a spare for when I miss place one.
Don't let the wife know what you spend on guns, ammo or cigars.
Those Deejo knives are pretty cool looking. Abuse it for 6 months and let us know how it holds up.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
The Deejo website is almost like a video game, I think I have more fun on the website than I would with the knife. The way you can interact virtually with the knife on the site.
My EDC was a Leatherman Wave multi-tool when I was out and about. I picked up an Opinal My First Knife to cut tobacco plugs recently which has a rounded tip so I can use it to scrape a pipe bowl without risk of too much damage from a sharp point, but that Deejo is tempting.
Carry a Benchmade spring assist; that one hande operation thing I obsess over. It stays scary sharp with minimal effort.
I usually carry a small AG Russel folder. It fits in that small watch pocket of your jeans.
I think about all the pocket knives that I had as a kid that I thought were cheap, now they'd be collectable.
I've had many, but I always have a swiss army hunstman in my pocket. Break it or lose it, I get another. Or if TSA takes it away, because I look like such a dangerous fellow.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
A man's not dressed unless he has a knife. Kershaw Leek for EDC a Kershaw Blur when I go to town.
Here’s a photo of my Opinel plug knife with an Ulu I picked up at a thrift store, the Ulu does a much better job at cutting tobacco plugs, here I’m mixing G&H Coniston Cut Plug and Bosun Plug 50/50 by weight. I did just use the Opinel to scrape some of the cake out of one of my pipes, even though I have a reamer set. Clearly the Ulu is not a pocket knife.
You just need bigger pockets.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Any knife can be a pocket knife if you leave the blade exposed.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...
Fat guys carry buttah knives
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I also use a Kershaw Leek, quite happy with it still.
I carry a small hawkbill. Not fancy but functional. Great for opening packages. I would like to have more but now is not the time
@variant2 usually has a nice blade or two, whats up Nico?
Of course, here's the blade sees most frequent use in my office:

But, as far as collectibles, this is def the first I ever:

My first wife brought me that back from Africa. I was flattered that she still thot of me enough. Ebony handle, dunno what leather sheath. All hand made. Very low quality steel, so have to coat it with petroleum jelly from time to time. Fits in its sheath quite flat and handy below your nape hidden inside your shirt. Has a loop on the sheath for the purpose.You just make a figure eight out of a belt or sash, put that 8 thru the loop, stick your shoulder thru the 8, and shrug it on behind you. Whips right out like it was designed for murder. Double-edged, so that you can either stab organ from below or cut throat from behind. Never had to use it, but was in a couple places where I wore it. These days, it just hangs over the office jamb.
These two deviate from the pocket theme, but I got to thinking of 'em just now.
Same old brother.
Spyderco Manix 2 has been my daily carry for the past few years. Great blade profile, ball bearing lock makes it ambidextrous so opening and closing is a breeze. The CPM 20CV steel holds a great edge. It's going to be hard to find another knife to replace this one as my daily.
Good looking knife, how is the steel?
They tell you it's Z40C13, which is sposed to be 420 stainless, with 56HRC, or about the same as a chef's knife. But I don't think that's what they are selling. The sell here is a minimalist ultralight decorative blade.
Of course I have no idea yet how it will hold up.
Davis, does that knife have a small top retainer latch in the shape of a bee? If it does that's a insignia of Napoleon and there is only a few places in France that are licensed to make that knife.
I've got a couple Kershaw Leeks and a couple Swiss Army knives that were the bee's knees when I got them as a kid. Is it bee's knees or bees' knees? Whatever.
Like this Rodger?

A cherished gift from my father, many years ago.
I see
no bee
Yep, just like mine.