Dog medication question,

Hey Brothers, Hope this post finds you all doing well . I know there are many dog owners here , My question concerns buying dog medication online , My buddy Gus got pretty sick a few weeks ago so we took him to the Vet, Gus has been diagnosed with congenital heart failure , we started him on 3 medications to treat it, He is doing very well on these meds and is almost back to his old self. my question is about buying his meds online witch would be considerable cheaper, Wondering if any of you have experience with online pet med companies . Any info would be appreciated!!!
Thank You
Thank You
no matter where you go, there you are.
When you make the order for the meds, it asks your vet's/clinic's name and submits a prescription request to them.
It takes a bit to process the prescription and if your vet is a d i c k, then you might have to pay them to write out the prescription and call them with how to get it to them.
We had one vet who was like that and we no longer go to that vet. LOL!
Nexgard is the medication we get from them.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
We have been using 1-800-petmeds for years and never had a problem.
We also signed up for PetMd's news letter. Always useful information, especially the recall lists.
We save 50% on our dog's arthritis injection by ordering it through Costco vs our Vet.
Also, if you pay with Costco's Visa card they will immediately notify you of any product recalls by email and mail.
Sorry to hear about Gus' condition, but that's good to hear the medication is helping him feeling better.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Dogs do not react well to marijuana. They tend to panic, because they don't understand what's happening.
I had a Rottweiler that ate a couple ounces once. I didn't realize his previous owner was feeding him stems and seeds.
It gave him an appetite for marijuana LOL.
I call it, a predisposition for an appetite.
I don't recommend it for dogs.
But if you want some samples for yourself, come and see me.
What you can't will become.
If the topic interests you or you have a pet that's aging, ailing, etc., I suggest you google it for yourself. There's some pretty interesting reading to be had.....