Cigar Lounges in London or Paris

Anyone ever been to a cigar lounge/bar in either London or Paris? I am going there for 8 days with the wifey on April 2. Just curious if you'll have had good or bad experiences and/or what to expect. Looking forward to this vacation!
How do you like my profile pic Taborski? @matkn293
Looking at the numbers in the article, the list of places with humidors and nicely appointed smoking areas, Hotels by far have the most options. The article also mentions some well regarded shops, and follows up with a couple restaurants.
London is interesting as it has a nationwide smoking ban. To get around it, the various companies have created 'outdoor terraces'. Some of the places in the article look downright palatial.
I guess I am gonna sound like some sort of shill, but you can also pull down an app by cigar aficionado called Where To Smoke.
Enjoy oy your trip and post some pics of you enjoying some Cubans!
As far as Paris goes, I didn't have much luck myself - I made only a very quick dash into a LCDH near the Louvre, and was remarkably turned off by their lack of customer service and attitude. If you find somewhere to enjoy though, definitely let me know - Paris is on the return list.
¨Only two people walk around in this world beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.¨
Looking forward to getting out there!