Daughter broker her elbow, getting pins ... advice?

as the title says. At the hospital now waiting for the procedure. Any advice or experience? If I recall properly she will only have 2 pins put in. Also and good juju is appreciated.

Life is like a blind fiver. You never know what you're gonna get.
Stay away from car crushing junkyard magnets.
Course, she would come back out spayed... so you might not want that.
... but he does work cheap
But seriously, they got this down pat. Not to worry. She'll come out better than new.
hopefully the procedure goes well and she has a speedy recovery!
and as @diver43 ; said ..... be sure to follow the doctor's orders and all follow up care (including PT)!!! not much else you can do!
(follow up care & PT was the key to success when i recovered from a broken wrist)
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Surgery went well, she has 2 pins in her elbow and a blue and glow in the dark cast. Watching her come out of the anesthesia really sucked.
as for for physical therapy... doctors said all she has to do is mover her elbow so things don't get tight. But the position of the break didn't effect any nerves, blood vessels or muscles. So as long as the bone heals as it should... she shouldn't have any long term effects from it.
Glad surgery had no complications.
It takes quite some time to full motion back and full strength.
A lot of muscle and tissue was cut to get in to put the pins.
It will take some time to heal.
I have 4 pins and a metal rod holding my wrist together.
Cold will affect it, but not as bad as I would have thought.
Agree with @CharlieHeis and @jgibv
PT is the key.
Working on heavy equipment, my wrist still lets me know when I try and over extend it.
And when I say it lets me know, I mean it can bring a tear to your eye, if not careful.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
the doctor/surgeon will make the decision if the pins should stay in, or if the pins should be removed.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
Best fun ever was trying to get her thru the airport. Eight year old girl with twisted legs and arm crutches & scars aplenty all up & down her legs & these nitwits can't figure out why the metal detector goes off. Last time I ever flew or intend to.
I tried recently. The first nitwit had me play some sort of computer game where I had to answer questions, etc on-screen. When I passed that test he let me approach nitwit number 2 who told me to empty my pockets, remove my belt and shoes, and all the rest of their memorized lines.
I told them to stuff it and that folks like them and the rest of the TSA is why I no longer fly anywhere. I don't have to play their boolsheet games - now or ever, Thankya very much....
My brothers friend had to get his spine fused and a partial metal cage around his ribs. poor guy sets of EVERY metal detector around him. lol he carries some smaller copies of his x-rays and medical docs with him whenever he travels. such a waste of time.... but oddly makes his life easier.