Status Update

Just to let everyone know, this oldfart and his child bride have moved. Our old address is no longer any good.
And before we get too far along, let me just clarify - this is definitely NOT a case of dry-begging or even reverse dry-begging. My humidor is full. I have no more room. Capisce?
And whats wrong with this silly forum, now?? Is there suddenly a limit to how long a post can be? I tried about four or five times to post the full draft of what you see above but it only allows me to post the first two paragraphs!! WTF??
Just to let everyone know, this oldfart and his child bride have moved. Our old address is no longer any good.
And before we get too far along, let me just clarify - this is definitely NOT a case of dry-begging or even reverse dry-begging. My humidor is full. I have no more room. Capisce?
Our reason for moving is that our age and health finally caught up to us. Barb is experiencing some early-stage dementia. Right now our doctor is calling it ‘mild cognitive decline’ but we all know what that means. And I no longer have the stamina to stand in front of the stove (any more than I can in front of my lathe) to cook our meals. Our cleaning lady took care of her part but she’s human, too and can’t do it all.
So, we let ourselves get talked into moving into an assisted living facility. The one we chose is pretty nice and it’s the only one in town that allows pets so we can keep Princess Fuzzbutt, aka Muffin. It’s nice but it’s not home. We sold our home of 24 years, had an estate sale, took a deep breath, and moved. It’s okay. We’re adjusting.
-- Winston Churchill
But I wanted to let everyone know so there wouldn’t be a lot of questions regarding my non-participation in the holiday festivities here on this hallowed forum.
Previous years have been a lot of fun, generosity, and camaraderie, but this year I’ll have to excuse myself from the jollities. I know you’ll all understand.
I want to wish each of you the Merriest of Christmases and a healthy, happy, and prosperous New Year. I plan to continue lurking and dropping in periodically because nowhere else have I found a group of folks like the BOTLs and SOTLs on these boards. Thanks for having me.
MOW badge received.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I hope Santa brings each of you just what you want for Christmas. All except for Peter @peter4jc. He’s a bully, I’m told, so maybe a lump of coal for him? (Just kidding, Peter...
Lately, I’ve learned that one of the female tenants at our facility goes out daily and has a cigarette three times a day near the back edge of the property. Of course, I’d have to wait for good weather to enjoy a cigar that way. We’ll see how this develops. I’d rather not pay a couple hours wages each time I want a cigar but one does what one must, doesn’t one??
Life is too short to smoke bad cigars!!!
Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues, Oh when the Blues go marching in!
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
You guys have a good point. I appreciate the thought but handouts aren’t in my game plan. Instead, I plan to try shaming my oblivious, self-centered stepson into spending a couple hours per week with his mother, thereby allowing me time to grab an occasional smoke.
Now that he and and his brother have the old fogies safely esconced in assisted living he probably thinks he’s home Free. His brother is far more thoughtful but he lives in Kansas City. He’d be of no help to my plan.
Thanks for the good wishes, Doug. As a matter of fact, since the last time I posted about a place and time to smoke, things have improved a bit. My stepson agreed to try to spell me for a few hours once a week which will give me time to slip away for a cigar.
I’m still researching the outdoor location here at the facility but, as before, in bad weather I’ll just drive over to the Moose Lodge and utilize their smoking quarters. And, for a while at least, I’ll try to keep our caregiver on the payroll for enough time to allow me a second smoke each week. She’s been a good worker and a friend to Barb so I don’t want to just let her go - at least until she finds other work.