Any Philadelphia fans

Anyone want Philadelphia? I'll take a fiver bet or two straight up, me pats you Philadelphia.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
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If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
With just a single cigar, we can escape from the cares of the world. - Richard Carleton Hacker
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This is media gleaned news. TMZ will filter their way through three million genuine people having a grand joyous time until they can search up one drunken knucklehead who prolly came across the bridge from Joisey anyways, and then pretend from that one in a million jackass that they found a million jackasses. It's hard to imagine getting three million Dakotans together over anything, Charlie, cause you prolly can't find three mil souls who haven't left your state already. But if you did, you could no doubt find a **** or two among the throng, if only you tried hard enough. This time of year, anyone that dumb is out ice fishing, let's face it.
No. Watching the parade from here and all the celebration, I didn't get the impression of jackass fans at all. What I saw was happiness.
There's more good souls than make the news.