Sex and $1400.00

My stepdaughter found a news article a few years back that talked about unclaimed money, that sits in state coffers collecting interest that the state keeps. I checked a long time ago and there was about $60 from a closed insurance account with my name on it in the State of Va., not a lot.
Now it is a lot, and I finally found the email of the dept head after weeks of ignored phone messages. I think he was upset, at least he had the forms in my hands in 2 days. Filled them out and sent them back. A little note on the form said it could take 12 weeks. It took 3. And the check was far larger then $60.
Check every state you have lived in and worked and paid bills. Remember to send me a 25% finders fee.
Oh yea. Go to your and search for it. I am fairly sure they all have a listing and let's face it, they ain't gonna look for you to return the money.
Why was S.E.X. obliterated?
Now it is a lot, and I finally found the email of the dept head after weeks of ignored phone messages. I think he was upset, at least he had the forms in my hands in 2 days. Filled them out and sent them back. A little note on the form said it could take 12 weeks. It took 3. And the check was far larger then $60.
Check every state you have lived in and worked and paid bills. Remember to send me a 25% finders fee.
Oh yea. Go to your and search for it. I am fairly sure they all have a listing and let's face it, they ain't gonna look for you to return the money.
Why was S.E.X. obliterated?
I checked the website a few months back, and sure enough, I had some money coming. A whopping $10.64, but I got it. Spent it too.
After a specified number of years, the bank was obligated to turn the funds over to our state controller’s office. I was unaware of this.
Long story short, after jumping through numerous hoops and waiting for specified time periods to expire wherein certain financial companies had control of my funds (by some liberal law or other) I finally got back all my money sans any interest earned in the interim. It didn’t really matter very much - interest rates were so ridiculously low, anyway.
The moral? Ya gotta be more vigilant than I, at least, would have thought. I assumed my bankers were looking out for me. I should have known they’re called “banksters” for a reason.....