Some of the child-men I worked with in the factory would do that; they'd go to the lunchroom grab one each of the ketchup and mustard packets, fold them in half for better effect, and tape them to a toilet seat in the men's room. It got a good laugh at the expense of a few victims, but the prank had such vile effects that the wickedness soon died by itself.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.

A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Poor fawker….

If some dude asked for it almost daily then sent me this I'd deny his ass too lmao 🤣 GROSS
Don't kick me out.... lol
I would also say that awful man is being unreasonable. The women is being more than fair. Twice in the same month she's a hero and he's a legend.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.
Some of the child-men I worked with in the factory would do that; they'd go to the lunchroom grab one each of the ketchup and mustard packets, fold them in half for better effect, and tape them to a toilet seat in the men's room. It got a good laugh at the expense of a few victims, but the prank had such vile effects that the wickedness soon died by itself.
Thankfully most break rooms don't have hot sauce packets.
No wonder my wife hates me, I was just trying to remember if I had any mustard packs in the house.
A good cigar and whiskey solve most problems.