CIGARFEST TICKETS! We have two, with the tickets for the hat and shirt upgrades.. My buddy and I aren't able to go now due to some unfortunate events, so I'm just trying to get what we paid for them..
These tickets are 265 a piece with the shirt and hat ticket upgrades (they enable you to get like twenty more cigars). They are 180 without those upgrades. I'd like to sell it all, but if we don't get rid of them soon, we'll lose all the money spent, AND can't go.
And we give a crap why?
And you are..... who?
Some guy scalping tickets to an event that you think there are loads of suckers here?
Look, we have no idea who you are.
Not a fan of people coming in and selling something without stating EXACTLY who they are, who they are affiliated with and all that.
If you don't like me for saying these things, I'm ok with that.
If you are legit and can confirm it, then I stand corrected.
But realistically, we see people come in all the time trying to sell all kinds of "rare and hard to find" things and have no posts until that moment.
So kind of hard to believe.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
* I have a new address as of 3/24/18 *
This is my first post because I didn't even know this place existed before a friend suggested selling them here. Not **** scalping as I hate that too. If you'd actually read you'd see they are being sold for EXACTLY WHAT I PAID FOR THEM. How in any world is that scalping?
As for who I am, I guess that doesn't really matter. I'd rather hang out with a pack of ravenous wolves while wearing a meat suit than to you dewith you douche bags.
For the very few actually respectable people here, I'm sorry. The rest can eat a bag of dicks.
First off, brothers of the leaf first introduce themselves and get involved and then say they have something for sale and as was stated, this isn't craigslist.
If you knew ANYTHING about cigar forums, than you would know that you will most likely get the same result at every one of them.
As for who you are, if you want to sell something, it sure as hell matters.
No one is going to buy from someone who only makes 1 post.
NO ONE. Well, unless they're an idiot or know who you are, which makes it matter who you are.
I tried to explain why you get the reaction in my first post.
I was trying to be nice. Ok, as nice as my disposition will allow me.
Since you "didn't know this place existed", you don't know past history of scammers trying to sell stuff and how irritating it gets to see it over and over.
And anyone who has been to any forum, social media site or bulletin board has had experience and should know that there is a certain protocol to try and sell anything on a forum that isn't set up to sell.
Do you see any topic on this forum that says, "Sell stuff"? No.
You can do one of two things.
Either get to know us and let us know who you are and join in the fun or take a hike.
It's up to you and I'm good with it being our fault,
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
-- Winston Churchill
MOW badge received.
I wonder it the tickets are still for sale?
My favorite cigar list here
If you are gonna be something, might as well be good at it.
Sorry, was having a bad day and this post kind of gave me an excuse.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
In hindsight, those guys probably weren't near as bad as I thought.
-- Winston Churchill