Did I really just see that....?!?

So I go out for lunch today and it's surprising nice enough weather to sit on the patio. As I'm eating I look up to see a guy just pinching and rubbing his region in some daze unaware of his surroundings, although he did stop before I got a pic.
On my back to work I'm at a light and driving my truck today so I'm high enough to see down into cars... I glance over to catch dude with his hands in his bb shorts going to town... so now I must ask do you guys do this out of boredom, have you been caught and have you witnessed something equally as sad... lol.
On my back to work I'm at a light and driving my truck today so I'm high enough to see down into cars... I glance over to catch dude with his hands in his bb shorts going to town... so now I must ask do you guys do this out of boredom, have you been caught and have you witnessed something equally as sad... lol.
I don't personally do it in public....I do rearrange the boys from time to time when thing get out of place or sticky.
I am a pretty smart cookie... just saying...
I also never saw it, but there was a guy that used to come into a movie theater I worked at and whip it out. He was fast, too. Never got caught.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
I have plenty of stories ( Not about this subject ) I've heard and seen some wacky stuff in the last 54 years......Probably 90% in the last 10 years where I work.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Also used to onboard peeps for your favorite online shopping warehouse... when I told them we catch ALL thieves I meant it... including the ones I had to drive to the hospital to have removal assistance for items lodged...SMDH