What the What?

What the heck is this @IndustMech ? I got home from work today tired and feeling deprived from the stupid low-cholesterol diet and wanting nicotine and I open a box to see this debauchery. I suspect there may be several culprits. All right, only because I know resistance is futile, give me a couple of weeks to get used to no nicotine and I’ll see you all on the Vherf carrot sticks in hand. And God willing and diet Willing if my cholesterol is down and showing improvements at my three month check up I’ll join you all for a real cigar. Unfortunately my diet has long consisted of whiskey cigars and fast food and it’s time that I make a change. I will see you all in a couple of weeks once the Temption is not so great...Sidenote this post took four attempts, WTH!!!
I did some amazing progress on mine by eating a bowl of real oatmeal every morning with just enough brown sugar to make it palatable. Cut bad cholesterol 100 points in 30 days, raised good 15 points and halved triglycerides. Doc basically told me anything white, salty or fried is the enemy. We're all pulling for you
MOW badge received.
Happy birthday, condolences, and wish you were here. From The Excellent Herf. (aka Milwaukee Herf)
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
Cut way back on drinking....Not that it was that bad to begin with, 2 beers after work and a little more on the weekend. Down to 2-3 a week.
The doc didn't say anything about smoking.....I guess I'll see what happens in Sept when I get the blood work do again.
I can’t believe I didn’t post this. I put in the fridge right away cause I knew what it was. Thank you @CalvinAndHobo I have seen pictures of this and was dying to try it. Spice is something I can certainly have right now and I’m having plenty of to cut the taste of these vegetables. It’s totally going to come in handy. Thanks Guys!
Lowest I’ve ever got it was 190! Doc says I’m genetically Fvcked and wants me on statins...crazy stuff right.
Best of luck to you with your goals! Hope you’ll be able to enjoy a cigar every now and then. I don’t know how many gars you smoke a week but I’d blame the alcohol and fast food before cigars...although if it’s hereditary....😐
Well I know a guy that smoked 2 packs of Marlboro reds a day for 40 years and his health is fine... at least I think he’s still alive.
Now my triglycerides went up to 300. She's going to give me a chance to get it under control with diet before trying meds.
I rarely eat fast food, I watch my salt and not much sugar. My guess is the dairy ( I like my cheese ) and the bread/pasta is what's doing it....That and I sit most of the day.
And @firehouseguy..... Watch out the sauce @CalvinAndHobo makes is like crack!!!!!
I'm needing to send him some sticks soon to get another hit before I start going into withdraws.
MOW badge received.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
@calvinandhobo dude you blew up my chicken tonight, your sauce is the bomb.