New to cigars

in Cigar 101
Hey y’all I’m new to the cigar world any tips for a better experience and any knowledge you would like to share
My first recommendation is to read the post at the top of this section called Things Newbies Should Know, that will give you a ton of great info.
The second is to make aure your cigars are stored stored properly and at an acceptable humidity and temperature range.
Lastly the most most common mistake I see frequently is smoking a good cigar too fast. This makes it hot and bitter and loses a lot of the flavors that make a cigar great. Easiest way to know if your smoking pace is right is to see what the cherry/ember looks when you Ash. If it’s a cone then you are smoking too fast as the outer leaves are burning faster than the middle can keep up with. If you Ash and it looks concave like the center is a crater then you’re going to slow. You want the cherry to be as flat as possible.
Long ashes and good smokes, welcome again.
V-herf: Video conference call on google hangouts where we gather to smoke cigars together in real time. Find the link on the V-herf thread.
(Herf is a slang term for a group smoking cigars)
This forum is a tight knit group of cigar enthusiasts who have developed relationships with each other over years and years but especially on the v-herf where you get to know one another extremely well, even though you've never even been in the same room with some of the guys. Sometimes it's just two guys, sometimes it's a half dozen or more.
@Yakster has the direct links figured out,......... I think.
Android vHerf or iOS vHerf Link
A whole lot of good info in there.