cigar vs cigar
Hello, I'm new to this forum and was wondering if there was a section that compaired cigars head to head for a potential winner .maybe a list of contenders and have people vote on sudden death matchups to declare a champ. best of Top ten conneticuts or full flavor vs mild something like that . we could do one a month give everyone time to smoke and compare both cigars . or maybe it has been done already IDK.
'I think,' said Christopher Robin, 'that we ought to eat all our Provisions now, so that we shan't have so much to carry.'
Best Answer
jd50ae Posts: 7,900 ✭✭✭✭✭
Bob_Luken said:firehouseguy said:They don’t call him FiveVegasLuken for nothing6
Why do they call him FiveVegasLuken?
Who's is better? According to who?
I can give 5 guys the same cigars and have them smoke them and then give another 5 guys the same cigar and the results will most likely be completely different.
Just like reviews on cigars.
Out of the ton of reviews of cigars, don't believe any of them, cause they aren't you.
They are someone else and their tastes are different.
I hate crap like broccoli and brussel sprouts and some guys love them.
Does that mean they are wrong? Nope, just that they have different tastes.
And how long between cigars will make a difference. Clean palette and all.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.