Gillette, the worst an ad can get?

Are they selling razors? Are you inspired to be a better man, or are wondering why they think it's their job to teach you morals?
(These are the same folks who charge women more than men for the same razors because they're pink razors.)

Post edited by Bob_Luken on
I wonder how this approach would work for beer ads?
"Hey you, you drunken wife-beating loser,.... be a better man."
Honestly, I don't get people.
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
On the one hand, I have to say that much of what they're saying has needed to be said, a lot, for about the last 100 - 10,000 years.
I think the backlash seen here is due to the outrageous extremes that this problem has provoked in the last couple years. We're seeing; His life should be destroyed because he touched my butt 45 years ago! Take everything he has! Or so it seems.
It's become difficult to tell where the line is, because for one thing, it's always been different with different people, and with the new, hazy redefining some who weren't particularly offended, or innocent themselves are now suddenly offended, and they want a vengeance of some kind to be settled.
Still, I have to applaud Gillette for trying. The boundaries are hazy now, and people tend to take new things like this to extremes, but I have to recognize that it is also an attempt to speak truth to culture, and I have to respect that.
Still scares me a little. There are whole organized factions that really enjoy a little schadenfreude.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
If the ad simply asks us (men) to be decent people, what are they really saying? They're implying that we aren't decent people. Get it?
The ad states that some men already do the right thing, "but some, is not enough." Some? Really? Only some? Only some men refrain from sexually harassing women? Only some men would stop bullies from beating up a small child? They don't even think MOST men already do the right thing. Yeah, this ad sucks because, according to Gillette, by virtue of your maleness,........ you are most likely not a decent person.
I buy razors to shave. I don't buy Gillette anymore.
Politics belongs in politics, and it is politics. DO NOT think for one second it isn't.
And also remember, women are never sexist, bullies or foul mouthed. Women never commit crimes against men. It is just men. At least according to politics.
It is a 2 way street and no one wants to admit it and talk about it.
Second - This commercial is brilliant, sexist, truthful, and dishonest all at the same time.
Brilliant - Someone needs to be talking about men stepping up our moral standards in society, being a spiritual leader. That is not what this commercial is trying to say, but if all men were spiritual leaders you would not have as much sexism, abuse, and bullying. As we know, more people will chose wrong over right.
Sexist - To say all of these society problems (sexism, abuse, bullying) are only related to men "Toxic Masculinity" is a very sexist statement. There are women out there that sexual predators, bullies, and mean. To say this is a man problem is to ignore that it is a cultural sin problem.
Truthful - There are men that have hurt women, and others because of their corrupt character.
Dishonest - The answer is not the wussification of men which is what I think a lot of women in the world want. Though this commercial doesn't preach the feminization of men, I do believe it is intended to lead us that way. Men need to be men. That doesn't mean that we have no consequences and responsibilities for our actions. Men are the stronger tougher (Physically) of the two sexes. We think different, we act different, and we express ourselves different. There is nothing wrong with that. As men we should be the tuff defenders of all that is good in society.
Conclusion: Not a fan of Gillet before the commercial, not crazy about the commercial, and I will continue to teach my son to do the right things in the right way, and to be a man.
That said, I LOVED @TNBigfoot68 's response above. We all need to recognize the realities, and work together and individually to correct the problem. The answer is blindingly simple, and advocated by every great spiritual leader we've ever seen on this planet.
Summarized; Do the right thing, at the right time, for the right reasons.
Why is that so hard for us?
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I like Oliva and Quesada (including Regius) a lot. I will smoke anything, though.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"Gillette...the more sensitive men can get"
Did Andy Griffith do this? Did Al Bundy do this? Who did this?
No no matter though, I use Dollar Shave Club anyhow😉And I normally don’t boycott products based on the company political agenda if I like the product. If I did, I probably wouldn’t have jack shlt. 😂
I said, I guess I'm not a real man, I don't do any of those things.
They asked what I do.
I fix s h i t and bring home a fat paycheck and make my wife happy and according to her, she's happy with the way I am.
We've become a nation that is afraid of offending anyone.
Men can't be men. If they are, they aren't sensitive.
Well, men aren't sensitive. It's in the genes.
If you hunt, you are a killer.
If you don't take crap, you have an attitude problem or are mean.
If you don't do housework, you are a male chauvinist.
If you don't agree with people, you are against them.
It's ok for them to tell you how to live, that you have to accept their way of life and you can't disagree with it. Groups of people condemning anyone who feels they don't want to be around those types of people.
We are supposed to be a country where you can have your own beliefs, but now your beliefs are offensive. WTF?
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Well, America, Gillette's idiotic ad may have finally turned the tide on 'toxic masculinity'
By Karol Markowicz | New York Post