Simple...Is it....?

Have you folks (male, female, lgbt, old, young, don't know, don't care, up in the air, agnostic, religious, questioning, hope I didn't miss anyone) noticed nothing is simple anymore?
You can't even buy milk without questioning which and why. Even smoking a cigar, where do you light up? GOD forbid you go to the store for red meat, are you an animal (well yes)? Buying gas, low octane or high, winter additives or no. Do you recycle that Amazon box for an outgoing? Do I eat a salad because I like them, trying your best to avoid salmonella. What bar do you go to, toxic masculinity on TV or karaoke night (remember to say OUR baby). Do you buy American or the best deal at the big box store? Do you buy things because they have been politicised because your expected to, or you buy what you like, checking for recalls first. Do you measure your take out or are you glad you have something to eat at a fair price (and no dishes)? Do you get that root canal knowing it will have to be extracted in the future? Which side of the fence are you on about pot legalization? On and on and on it goes......
Don't answer the questions, most of you already get it. Just think of all the things you could add.
You can't even buy milk without questioning which and why. Even smoking a cigar, where do you light up? GOD forbid you go to the store for red meat, are you an animal (well yes)? Buying gas, low octane or high, winter additives or no. Do you recycle that Amazon box for an outgoing? Do I eat a salad because I like them, trying your best to avoid salmonella. What bar do you go to, toxic masculinity on TV or karaoke night (remember to say OUR baby). Do you buy American or the best deal at the big box store? Do you buy things because they have been politicised because your expected to, or you buy what you like, checking for recalls first. Do you measure your take out or are you glad you have something to eat at a fair price (and no dishes)? Do you get that root canal knowing it will have to be extracted in the future? Which side of the fence are you on about pot legalization? On and on and on it goes......
Don't answer the questions, most of you already get it. Just think of all the things you could add.
I got rid of cable/satellite, because I'm tired of TV shows throwing their values at me and not being able to choose.
I now have streaming TV, where I can watch just about any show, anytime I want and if a show I don't like is on, I can find one I like.
Cable and network TV are blaming streaming TV for their failure, but it's really about people not wanting to be forced to watch certain things.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Name names. Tell us who "gets it" and who doesn't. Think of the fun that would be.
I watch cop reality shows and I am amazed at the number of : if you watch them you know what I would say.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
A time when a person could get call the police for help and not have to worry that at least one person would be arrested. They would usually resolve it.
Now, it's like some of them make it a point to arrest someone when they show up.
And they have a lot of cool cars on the show. LOL!
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Seriously, not making fun @BKDog , I thought I was the only one who talked like that.
Not really, Webmost and others do too.
But, watching what goes on out here and how everyone seems to accept, welcome, and vote for their own continued enslavement one tends to feel alone and lost in the madness. It seems that people really want for "They" to be in control. "They should do this...They should stop that...They oughta..."
OK. I'll shut up now, y'all know the spiel, and I'm guilty too. Dang gummint, They screw up everything!
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Some of my best friends are police or state patrol.
But the level of professionalism in police forces has pretty much dropped to an all time low.
A city police officer was once berating a guy and the guy was just standing their staring at him. I said, "Excuse me officer" and he went off. What do you want?
I told him I wanted him to be professional and get some training on how to deal with deaf people.
He's deaf, you moron. He is staring at you, so he can read your lips and understand what you are saying, but you are so wound up, you don't know that.
And then he said, "And how would you know that?"
My son is deaf, that's how I know.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.