Where do you get your news

Back in the day there were 3 networks, with the proliferation of internet 'news' you can get info from anywhere. We all know about fake news but how do YOU know your news isn't fake. We all tune in to what we want to hear but what I am interested in is do you fact check from different sources to validate the news you take as 'truth news'
A little dirt never hurt
You read an article, look at the source and think it's legit.
Then, you find out it isn't. Or that the whole story wasn't told and it was skewed to one side.
And then you try and check the validity of it and it confuses you even more.
I think I'm at the point where I'm going to assume everything is a lie.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
I will lay it out there... Has our country become so polarized because there are so many 'News' outlets 'left or right' that we get locked into one or the other that we don't even look at opposing views. We hate Trump, hate Pelosi, because we get locked into a 'news scheme' where that is the only answer.
The news scheme, is exactly what it is.
The bait you into believing their side. And then when you've grown accustomed to thinking that their news isn't too swayed, they lie.
And we fall for it. Or at least I have.
The problem with today's society is that even if there was a real alien landing, no one would believe it until it's either too late or it's gone.
Our news has become so one sided, one way or another, that even watching video, it has been edittes or cropped to ahow the view they want.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
There just doesn't seem to be ANY integrity involved in broadcast news for a long time now. The very rare occasion I actually want to hear news, I watch BBC.
I would rather be considered stupid and uninformed, spending my time looking at the Bum of the Week thread, reading a book, or watching a movie.
Being shallow and self centered has its advantages.
The U.S. networks have herded the sheep and their ratings are booming. They are making fist fulls of money while the sheep argue amongst themselves. That's all of the networks.
When this presidency is over watch how quickly everything flips.
"I ain't got no Opus's"
LLA - Lancero Lovers of America
2016 Gang War (South)
May I assss u a ?
People are only going to watch ( And believe in ) what makes them feel emotionally good and justified in their own opinions.
We're all being played into hating the "other" side by the news/facts for nothing but ratings, money and control.
As for where I get my news.....The Onion News Network....At least they're honest in what they're doing.
BBC to find out what they think of us. But England, like us, has lost their identity.
The cnn's are nothing but water carriers and sycophants for the liberals.
I get online FOX because I believe they try to be honest.
After my wife died last spring, an election year in Tennessee, I just couldn't take it anymore. So much boolshat! I've gone into fvck-it mode. Got rid of cable, the TV antenna got disabled by thunderstorms, and I only listen to music on the radio.
Now I glance at the MSN news on the computer, catch a few minutes at a restaurant that has a TV, etc. Conversations with people I know. Mom tells me what a great job Trump is doing, my buddy Dan keeps me up to date as to the progress of his dream, i.e. Trump is impeached, Pence is implicated, and Pelosi becomes President. (
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
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There is nothing I can do about this mess being created by idiots and power hungry twits.
So, just stop listening and enjoy yourselves. Your kids will handle it.
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