Practical Jokes
I recently saw an article about a guy who took his buddies truck and wired up the horn so every time he stepped on the brake the horn blew. What practical jokes have you pulled. I used to work with a guy many years ago who would go in the fridge at work and go through everybody's lunches. So we decided to get even by taking a nice big cupcake and melting xlax on it in with the icing and locking the bathroom door,needles to say he never bothered our food again.
You can't dispel Ignorance if you retain Arrogance!
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
You're wondering if it was little ol' innocent me, aren't you? Moi? No way I would do something that dastardly.
In the past, with more downtime we have changed the lock on someone's computer so they had to guess the number brute force (and then we switched it back after they were almost to the right combination, which took a week or so). We also have pulled and replaced the keyboard keys into the wrong places on a kid's keyboard who we knew had to look to type... Oh, good times.
The best (worst) one was when a super overachiever was waiting on test results, we printed off the passing candidates from the prior sitting and put it on his desk on results day. He freaked out when he couldn't find his name, big meltdown and everything. That was great. The bad part about it was when we told him it was a prank, he looks up the real results and actually didn't pass. He wasn't around for much longer after that.
Hook up windshield washer hose so it sprays into the crotch.
They complained about glare on a loader and wanted a pull down shade, so I bought a "My Little Pony" pull down shade for them.
Set up emergency vehicles, so that when they turned the key on, all the lights and sirens come on.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Knowing that we would all suffer if he ever got caught we tried to talk him into quitting this activity. The conundrum was that if someone were to inform the Drill Sergeants it would come out that this had been known for some time, and then the question would be "why did you wait to inform me?", and once again, we would all suffer.
So, next time he snuck out, we emptied a few cans of shaving cream way down between the sheets in his bunk, and filled his boots for good measure. He may have slipped out, but he slid in.
He seemed unhappy at the time, but the rest of us were OK with that.
Not long after, he was caught in some other nefarious activity which was never revealed to the platoon, but, he did not graduate.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Bathroom is the best place though.
Then wait for the screams.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
We had a necklace that consisted of chain and a golf ball with a lag bolt though it that was painted blaze orange and called the dry ball award. If you dry balled and got caught you had to wear the necklace around your neck until you caught somebody else who dry balled then they had to wear it.I got caught had to wear that damn thing through three all day shoots before I caught someone else as he was pulling his ball.
The kids played along. They started grabbing her arms and yelling at her that I didn't mean it. Within a matter of seconds we had a crowd of people gathered around. I don't think she'll ever forgive me for that one.
At any given time the urge to sing "In The Jungle" is just a whim away... A whim away... A whim away...