The I called it, karma contest!

I told a few people about this in Tennessee. I was originally going to list everyone, and include kind words, but I'm super lazy. I realized that would take a very long time to type due to all the amazing members here who have been there for me over the years. I will post a list of everyone I'm automatically entering at some point. Colleen and I will be welcoming another baby girl into the world in August, and are super excited. I would like to share my joy with this contest. Nominate a forum member and explain why you decided to enter them (kind words only please). This is ment to keep and spread happiness, there is enough crap in the world, of course funny sarcasm is welcome. Each entry will be assigned a number and put in a random number generator on a vher night to be determined, the chosen one will receive a little something from me. Thank you all again for putting up with my crap for so many years. Let the games begin!
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give". Winston Churchill.
MOW badge received.
MOW badge received.
You certainly have something really special to keep your mind off the news.
Congratulations to both of you, much happiness for all of you..
Best of all possible future happiness for the little robusto.
Hope he or she grows up to be a mighty toro. (sorry, couldn't help myself)
There isn't a more generous BOTL anywhere. Enough said!
As the current lottery commissioner, I appreciate the effort that Eric put in as the previous commissioner towards making this forum great.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
For the same reason Patrick is having this contest. But y’all didn’t hear it from me.....
He's one of my best friends on this forum. He's always going out of his way to give me rides to and from various herfs with everyone without asking for anything in return. He always seems shocked when I try and thank him, while modestly saying it's fine and not a big deal, even though he's waking up before the sun rises to go to work the next day some of the time. We have some great conversations during those rides or when it's just us on the vherf, and (for some reason) he seems curious as to what my thoughts are on the subject, while asking me questions to draw me out when I'd normally be quiet. He's funny but he's a very deep person who has great perspective on lots of different things. Here's to you John, thanks for being you.
I know, You're a big dog and I'm on the list.
Let's eat, GrandMa. / Let's eat GrandMa. -- Punctuation saves lives
It'll be fine once the swelling goes down.
-- Winston Churchill
he always has a positive attitude and is a great contributor to the forum.
ill nominate @skydiverD. He’s that friend you keep around so you will always feel smart, good looking, etc. In all seriousness I enjoy the friendship and ability to constantly talk **** and know it’s all in fun
I’d like to nominate @84CJ7. Mark was the first to reach out to me, and got me up to speed with a newsletter right away. He was also very generous with his knowledge, and welcoming to my newb questions. He’s always supportive of the new members, and is an asset to this forum. Thank you, Mark!
I nominate @IndustMech. He's a real mensch.
MOW badge received.
I want to nominate a few people that have been welcoming, shared info with me on PM’s, and made some great trades. @Cigarsonist @BKDog and @Sketch6995. I appreciate the welcome each of you have given!
coupla great guys
He has proven to be a great botl in the short time he has been a member here.
If I had a daughter he is the guy I would be happy to see her involved with.
P.S. I hope you and Colleen have a healthy baby and that she looks like her mom.
There are so many genuinely good people on this forum to pick on. Even the irascible posts are presented with good humor. I nominate @jd50ae. Hope you have some 5 Vegas Gold to send him if he wins.
-- Winston Churchill
-- Winston Churchill
I would like to nominate @84CJ7. He gives and expects/desires nothing in return