Scooper recommendation

Looking for recommendations. This one is heavy but sturdy and works with my cigar clip. I saw one with a rake which may work better with the pea gravel. Not looking for the $300 Dooup that cleans and sanitizes and is the size of a vacuum cleaner.

The Dooup

The Dooup

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Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
Dogs are a big responsibility. I don't have a dog now and it's good not be on a dog's schedule. I miss having a mutt around sometimes but I'm enjoying the freedom. Yesterday there was this one dog out on a hike with it's owner and I could see it in his eyes and his body language that he would'a bit me if not for that leash. He was one of those mentally disturbed dogs. I used to have one just like him.
Only use it's seen since coming back to AZ.
In all honesty, I’m unable to relate to the problem any more. I no longer have any pets and even when I did they were cats and they used a litter box so bags were never an issue for me.