Villiger La Flor De Ynclan Robusto

Just wanted to post a thought on this cigar as I was so impressed with it. Been smoking cigars on and off for 20+ years but hardly an expert. I tend to like Padrons and Camachos as go to cigars but try lot of others. I bought a recent deal on this as a 5 pack and it is quickly turning into one of my favorite cigars. I'll be buying more...Great burn...a lot of creamy smoke...smooth...nuts, cream...probably medium bodied but a cigar I just really enjoyed from start to finish all three times I've had it so far....
Not sure how well known this maker is but this is a hidden gem (at least to me...maybe others already know it is great)...if you haven't tried it I'd suggest giving it a spin.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
I had a sampler once a few years ago that wasn't very impressive.