El Paso/Ohio Shootings

I'm curious, what are your thoughts on what can help prevent these type of things from happening?
I don't know what the answer is.
One thing that is crazy to me is how one individual can posses this much hate that drives them into doing something like this. Crazy times we live in.
I don't know what the answer is.
One thing that is crazy to me is how one individual can posses this much hate that drives them into doing something like this. Crazy times we live in.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Yes, mental health is a serious problem today and no one wants to report a family member. It is probably the only time I would like to see "social media" use their algorithms to look for and report some posts or threats of violence, instead of hiding conservative or middle of the road points of view.
I differ with the NRA on one point, there should be background checks. But, and it is a big BUT, if you let the libs bring about a background check there will be h.ell to pay because anything they do will be the beginning of confiscation.
Years ago when I was learning gunsmithing I went to my favorite gun/reloading/coffee shop. I heard a name mentioned and I informed the owner the person was suicidal and there was a real threat of violence. The sale was denied.
Of course the indoctrination centers could go back and teach about loyalty and pride. Pledge of Allegiance is a good idea but this hate everything and America is getting ingrained in this country. Personal responsibility and patriotism is a joke
Something not even thought about by most people.
We are our own worst enemies.
Back in the Reagan era the Mental Hospitals were shut down by Reagan, at least in calalafornia. It spread. Reagan did not shut them down because he was being mean spirited, he shut them down because they were empty, and very expensive to keep open. He did not turn anyone out.
It seems a new load of pill pushers and pharmas had convinced people, who should have known better, that they could handle all of the inmates with drugs. So thousands of people who needed to be in hospital care and counseling were turned out in a permanent state of stupor. Drugs are good was the message. There was little follow up, just filling prescriptions. And it spread across the country quickly. People are on the streets who should be institutionalized. So we have nut jobs on social media, and social media uses its algorithms to go after free speech, nothing is being done. People are afraid to turn someone in even thought they are scared s.hit.less of them. You can not walk down most streets in big cities without wondering why is that person on the street.
Of course the inevitable backlash is now people who really honestly need certain meds can't get them. Even though they come across the border, are smuggled mostly to west coast ports and go to the thugs. And the doctors who run the pill mills are getting rich, and everyone knows they are there. Add the Tide Pod people to the equation and what have you got? Add videogames and violence in the media what have you got?
Add the breakdown of morality and respect, turning a blind eye and hoping it will go away, you get incidents everywhere.
Add the total stupidity of the democratic party and their TDS we are sittin on a time bomb.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
I 100% agree. But who is going to do it? That is the big question.
ShawnOL said:
No editing.
Don't try to solve it because it's impossible to solve. There are two ways to solve it. One is to actually control guns in a sane way, which will never happen as long as the NRA exists. Conservative gun advocates fear that any legislation is just a door opening event that will eventually lead to the removal or the outlawing of their firearms. I'm not saying they're wrong; in fact, I'm sure they're right.
The second way is to simply prohibit firearms everywhere. Then people can't shoot each other. I'm not advocating for it I am telling you that this is the other solution to the problem.
So 20 years from now, we will be exactly where we are today as far as gun violence in this country. Mass shootings are now as American as apple pie and barbecue.
The simple reason is that we have a tolerance level for mass shootings and death in this country. If 27 dead kindergarten kids, 558 mostly conservative country music concert goers, and a mowed-down Republican Congress softball team doesn't motivate you to want to be selective in regards to who gets an AR-15, then nothing will.
JD hit it perfectly. His fear-slash-disdain of people with a differing political view paralyzes him into standing ground instead of working with the other side on a compromise to better the country because it isn't a total win. @jd50ae you're not alone brother. There are at least 150 million people who feel exactly the same way on one side of the aisle or the other.
I just pray that my kids' classrooms aren't next. It could be worse, though; I could live in Tell Aviv....
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
If you want to bomb me send it to Tony @0patience
If you are a newbie I got Dem nachos....
My own personal experience, during the W years, we would send violent psych patients down there, violence and threats attested to by multiple medical people as well as law enforcement, and they'd be back in the ER before the sheriff's deputy was done with his paperwork, because Reaganomics had defunded the facility so badly that they were unable to keep the patients there. I know, I've seen it with my own eyes, many many times.
However, I am only giving you my perspective, and that of others who were affected daily while at work by what was happening. Perhaps outsiders or other sources would know more, have a less personal perspective than those of us who were so up-close and personal with what was happening on the ground.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
And now we get this.
Up for a little race baiting?
Edited for question.
Do shrinks really have an ability to diagnose and cure?
What change(s) in society have led to worse behavior?
Can any of these be changed back?
2. Most shrinks think drugs are the answer to everything. And evidently most people.
3. Power hungry politicians and their sheeple. No one listens to what they are really saying, just blindly follow.
4. Answers to that are just plain scary. Unless people vote out the hacks it is only going to get worse.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
The left can only see one solution, gun prohibition, in any form possible. To them there is no other way. More cops in schools? Nope. More guns must mean more violence, even if its the cops. Its not the fault of the NRA, its the fault of the left, which knows nothing but poor knee-jerk reactionary legislation.
The left controls just about every major city in America. What do these cities have more than the rest of America? Crime, corruption and violence.
You want to see some actual REAL change in America? Start enforcing the thousands of laws we already have on the books. Throw away the f**king key the first time someone commits an armed robbery instead of letting them out in a few months. You want to see a change in our culture? Start warming your kid's ass when he gets out of line. He'll eventually stop getting out of line.
Rant over.
Trapped in the People's Communist Republic of Massachusetts.
Were you an inmate or caretaker?
As I noted, as one of those taking care of the patients, working IN the system, I may have been too close to the trees to see the forest. Perhaps those who never shared my experiences, able to see the problem from a safe distance, may have a greater understanding.
When you're the one being punched, bit, scratched, kicked, spit on, vomited on, and having the patient re-open their self-inflicted wounds so they can smear the blood on you, it clouds your viewpoint. In many cases the problem was simple, the patient had taken their meds for awhile, "felt better", stopped the meds, wigged out.
What they needed was a few days in a safe, confined environment for the meds to kick back in. THAT WAS NOT AVAILABLE BECAUSE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAD CUT THE FUNDING. This was the case under both Repugnican and Dumbocrat administrations.
Period, end of story.
For your own sake JD, turn off FOX news for awhile. You're too close to the rabidness of their talking heads. They're poisoning your brain with hate. It's affecting your relationships.
Just my opinion, do what you want.
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Did you read the article? It is from a time past when the NYT was a real newspaper, 1984 or there about.
Accepting one source for information is not what I do, that would be what lib sheep do. And that ain't ever gonna happen.
By the way,I am neither a rep or a dem. But as long as dems refuse to get out of the way with their very serious TDS and start helping the law abiding hard working citizens of this country there really isn't much choice.