I feel so bad.

I just feel so bad. Another clintonista and democratic friend and donator is dead.
To @webmost
What did he have on Bill?
Well, what is known is (from many and various print and TV and online sources) Epstein was a donator to the clintonistas. Nothing wrong with that, except for intelligence.
Epstein was on occasion a house guest of the clintonistas and vice versa. Again, nothing wrong with that. But you are judged by the company you keep. Sometimes that is true but it is too all encompassing and overused, I do believe it fits in this case..
Slick lied about the number of times he went flying with Epstein. Slick says once, pilots say otherwise.
Who knows if any of the facts will come out. But I have read (personal experience with Slick at a rally in S Carolina) an awful lot about the 2 of them, there is so much out there.
Taking Epastein and Slick individually, or together, it is not hard to believe the worst. I would prefer to have the full testimony.
Edited. "....in this case....)
I told you I like this gal.
Not that anyone is ever going to get any answers that we don't already know. The pervert was supposedly on a 24 hour "suicide" watch, after he had been attacked a week ago.
AOC for president....Yay. Well, not. That is just plain silly.
Edited. "....for president..."
Jeffrey Epstein: How conspiracy theories spread after financier's death
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49312746Edited. ... (a comma)...
Please, not another 2 1/2 year "investigation".....
Edited. " "
"If you do not read the newspapers you're uninformed. If you do read the newspapers, you're misinformed." -- Mark Twain
Just how stupid and twisted can democrats get? Matthews getting a conscience?
Edited. Mr Tingles
This ex-cop was Epstein's cellmate until just hours before his death.
There's no way that canine would make the cut on any police force. Obvious conspiracy theory.
A woman who visited the broke-neck kiddy-diddler's $57 million Manhattan mansion in 2004 snapped a pic of a creepy painting she saw hanging on the wall there, a painting of Bill Clinton seductively reclining in a blue dress and red high heels, while pointing his stink finger directly at the viewer.
I know, this post belongs in You Can't Make This Stuff Up. The tabloid appears to have researched the artist's name and all. The story looks legit. Tell ya, this schidtshow gets more bizarre by the day.