Any truth to this?

I was listening to a cigar authority podcast. They said that cigars from bidding sites have been known to be a lesser quality blend than what you might get from a B&M. This was so the companies could get the cigars listed for a lower cost on a bidding/auction site.
Just wondered if anyone has ever heard this before? Have you all noticed anything different? Maybe they said it to get people to steer toward B&M’s or their own online store?
Just wondered if anyone has ever heard this before? Have you all noticed anything different? Maybe they said it to get people to steer toward B&M’s or their own online store?
I have CAO America that I got from the evil bid site and I have the same cigar from my local. They looks and smoke the same.
There are lines made specifically for those sites, but they aren't the same lines as you get in a shop, so yes on that, but no on the rest.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
I wouldn’t think this to be true but still made think about it.
I've bought many cigars on both bid sites.
No difference.
AF Short Story, Torano 1916, AJ New World and the list goes on and on.
If there is a difference, it is so slight it isn't distinguishable.
Not saying that there aren't some makers who make different levels of quality, just that the ones I buy, no difference.
Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy cigars and that's close enough.
-- Winston Churchill
TCA is my fav cigar podcast, but they're off the rails on this one.
@ScotchnSmoke sux lots of large wéiners. And tons of small ones.
If you want to know truth without me revealing too much, there are companies out there that for various reasons negotiate better pricing on products from the manufacturers... Sometimes it's simply based off of volume purchased, and other times it's due to wanting to keep a long-standing (and profitable) relationship strong. Other than having proprietary products on some sites, everything on many of the cigar auction platforms is 100% legit.
I'm sure many of you know this, but almost all of the manufacturers have blends that simply sit on a shelf for years, and that's because they don't want to (or need to) necessarily put their own label on the cigars and sell; they sell these blends in bulk to trusted vendors who then brand them how they want them. These cigars too are not less-than, but for some reason there are people out there who view them as such.
It's called supply and demand, not bait and switch. How do we get good deals, buy in quanity Retailers buy in Bulk, and may need to reduce inventory of certain lines of product, or they may just buy in order to sell on auction balancing out profits over the losses. It has nothing to do with let's take a cheap cigar and put a better label on .It so people think they are getting a deal. Besides we all should know that these are hand made products and each will be like me, a little different.